Men lananubukhs menu- Dwalin

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Requested by: ThoraOakensheild


The Company ran faster and faster, the distant howling of Wargs now grew closer. You could feel the thundering of paws on the ground.

"We can't out run them, our best chance is to stand and fight!" Your father, Dwalin, shouted up to Thorin. The Company slowed down at that, and Thorin nodded, agreeing to your father's plan. You gripped your mother's blade, she had died of an illness when you were the young age of twenty, she had given it to you the day before she died. Beside you, your boyfriend Fili gave you a reassuring look and took his stance for the upcoming Wargs.

The enemies crashed upon you and you were quick to swing your blade. Cutting down whatever scout that dared to challenge you. You could see both Fili and Dwalin skillfully dodging the snaps of the wargs and aiming strikes.

You finally killed the mutt that you were dueling and looked around for your next target. That's when you saw one sneaking up behind your father, who was busy dueling another warg.

"Father, look out!" You desperately shouted, already sprinting towards the advancing warg. You felt the gaze of the rest of the Company shift from their attacker to you. But you paid them no mind, you had to save your father. You jumped at the warg and battled back to back with Dwalin. You were about to make your killing shot with the teeth of the warg clamped around your waist. You let out a pained gasp and faintly head Fili shout in the distance.

The pressure of the jaws increased and you could feel your ribs snapping and poking your lungs. Screaming in agony, you stabbed your blade into the head of the warg and collapsed onto the ground.

"Y/n! Stay with me, stay awake!" You could barely hear the voice of Dwalin echo at your side. But your vision was already fading, and your senses dulled, then all went black.


You stirred to hear the sound of a fire crackling and popping. You forced your heavy eyelids to open to see that, indeed, you were next to a fire. Your side burned and ached, the pressure around your torso assured you that someone had bandaged and treated your wounds. Painfully reaching up, you stroked some of y/h/c hair out of your face so you can observe your surroundings better.

"Ah, your awake lassie." You looked up to see Oin gazing down on you. "Yeh nearly gave yer father and boyfriend a heart attack. I wouldn't recommend doin' that again." You smiled, then slowly sat up, groaning. "Take it easy there now lassie, not everyone is lucky enough to survive a warg bite. Nasty one, too."

"I'm fine." You rasped, already using a tree to help you stand. You looked around, where was everyone else.

"They are over there," Oin pointed to a gap in the trees, "I'm sure yer wonderin'."

You muttered and thanks and stumbled off with Oin. The Company looked up upon hearing your arrival and broke out to cheers and smiles, causing you to blush.

"Y/n!" Dwalin raced over to you and gave you a gentle hug. "How it would kill me if I lost you!" He backed up and studied you, a strange look coming across his face. Fili came up from behind and hugged you around you waist, making sure to apply no pressure to your wounds. You sat down with Fili and snuggled into him, from across the clearing you could have swore to see Thorin smile at you two. But Dwalin still had that expression on.

"Yes?" You finally blurted towards your father.

"I was just thinking about how you remind me of your mother." He spoke, causing the heads of the rest of the dwarves and Bilbo to look up and listen. "You look and act so much like her." You blushed and Fili nudged you. Dwalin smiled and continued. "When you were fighting, and wielding her sword I could have sworn she was right next to you, whispering what to do in your ear. You are so talented."

The Company listened and smiled, Dwalin barely showed any emotion. This must have been a surprise and a treat for them.

"Menu tessu, y/n. Men lananubukhs menu." Dwalin finally sighed, crouching down so he could give you a kiss on the forehead.

"Men lananubukhs menu." You replied back.

Time skip brought to you by Dwalin's bald head.

It was the day of your wedding. Dwalin was standing at your side, ready to take you and give you away to Fili. Everyone had survived the Battle of the Five Armies, so Thorin was residing over the ceremony.

"You look as beautiful as your mother, y/n. Maybe even a bit more." He smiled down at you, and you wanted to wrap your arms around him and never let go.

"Men lananubukhs menu, Father." And before you knew it, Dwalin was slowly walking you up to Fili, who was standing handsomely before you.

"Now, Fili, before I give you my daughter. I'm going to tell you that if you treat her wrong, I'm coming after you. Prince of Erebor or not." The audience chuckled, then Dwalin turned to you. "Men lananubukhs menu, Y/n." And with teary eyes, he placed your hand onto Fili's and walked to his seat.

I added the wedding part because I thought it would "complete the story."

Menu tessu= You are everything

Men lananubukhs menu= I love you

Question: What is your favorite non-orchestral instrument?

My Answer: I play the B flat clarinet, so clarinet. But I love the sound of the Baritone Saxophone or the Alto Saxophone

Other Options: Flute, oboe, E flat clarinet, bass clarinet, Tenor saxophone, tuba, trombone, trumpet, flugal horn, French horn, bassoon, piccolo, snare drum, crash symbols, bass drum, triangle, etc.

As long as it's not an instrument you would find in an orchestra, I can do orchestra next though.

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