Heal- Boromir

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Requested by: CaptainSleepyHead

This one was a little hard to write, sorry if it's not good.

Trigger Warning: Torture

Galadriel, as your gift, had given you a healing potion. Never had you expected to use it so early during your trip with the Fellowship, but you did. You had to!

As orcs were attacking, filling the clearing with sounds of battle, you heard the Horn of Gondor in the distance. It was a plea for help.

"Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli!" You shouted for your companion's attention. "The Horn of Gondor!"

Immediately you started running, slaying any orc that dared cross your path. The horn kept on echoing through the forest in bursts of three notes. And finally you reached the spot where you could see Merry and Pippen looking horrified at a kneeling figure that could only by known as your crush, Boromir, who had three arrows impaled into his torso. Then you saw the orc in front of him, hate filling you up.

You let out a screech of hate and charged, dagger at the ready. You dueled while Boromir dragged himself to rest upon a tree root.

Then there was the defiant yells of the hobbits as they were lifted by the fleeing orc pack. You went to their defense, still trying to fend of your attacker. But instead you were grabbed around the waist and lifted by an orc behind you. You screamed and saw Aragorn charge into the clearing and went into battle, Legolas and Gimli close behind.

"Legolas!" You called, the elf turned and his face paled at your struggling form being carried away, he immediately aimed his bow at the orc carrying you. But you still had to save Boromir! You wrenched one of your hands free of the hold you were in and launched your healing potion towards the blonde prince. Legolas would have to save Boromir instead of you.

The last thing you saw before the orc dragged you out of sight was Legolas dropping his bow and catching the potion, giving you a helpless and understanding look, then turning to the direction of Bormir.

Boromir's POV:

"And you didn't go after her?" I yelled at the elf standing before me.

"She wanted you to be saved, instead of herself." Legolas defended himself. "I'm sorry." He lowered his head.

"If Legolas shot the orc, Y/n would have to run to you, instead of throwing her gift to Legolas, you would have died." Aragorn intervened.

I let out a groan.

"We have to go after her."

"What about the hobbits?" Gimli spoke up.

"They are heading in the same direction, by the looks of it towards Rohan. If we catch them soon we could save all three of them."

There was a silence as the rest of the broken Fellowship pondered the idea of chasing orcs.

"Let's go hunt some orc." Aragorn nodded at me then dashed off. I instantly followed, Legolas and Gimli close behind.

Time skip brought to you by Steve Rogers school of future-y stuff; So you can understand that reference.

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