Rooftop Fall- Fili

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Requested by: Elyon201198

You stared in horror at the scene unraveling before you. Fili, your lover, up on the rooftop with Azog and his gang of orcs. You broke out of the trance and ran towards the stairway up, pushing past Kili who was walking towards the direction of Thorin, Dwalin, and Bilbo.

You took long strides and climbed up the staircase, leaping over at least three steps at a time. Determination and adrenaline crackled through your body, you felt like you were running with a hundred wargs at your back.

Finally, you reached the top. You silently cut the necks of the few orcs beside Azog before the others even knew what was going on.

Azog, was too preoccupied on talking with Thorin to notice you. You gripped your sword, ready to slice the head off of the Pale Orc but then he raised his sword arm... And you knew what he was going to do.

With a shout, you leaped forwards. Azog looked back for a quick fraction of a second, shock plastered on his face.

You grabbed Fili's hand and yanked him away, only then to feel an agonizing pain bolt through your side. Your lover's face twisted with horror as the blade of Azog twisted it's way out. You felt your body go into shock and saw the blood pouring out of the wound. You felt yourself shaking as the pain increased, dulling the rest of your senses.

You saw Azog lift one of his feet and kick Fili to the edge of the rooftop. Your hands were still grasped together and you started loosing your balance as Fili fell towards the ground.

The only emotion you felt was fear, so strong that the pain faded. You met eyes with Fili and saw that he reflected the same emotion you were feeling.

The world was moving so slow. You were weightless as the ground got closer and closer.

But then the pain came back and serenity over took you. Blackness took over your sight and you were dead before you hit the bottom.

Kili looked out from the door way. His breaths coming in ragged gasps and he could feel the rage well within him, but there was sadness so strong in his heart.

Fili, his brother, the one who was so close to him as a child was dead. He watched his brother die, the impact of the ground was too much, holding hands with one Kili hoped to call one day a sister.

Y/n was dead before she hit the bottom, but blood still poured out of the wound Azog carved in her side. Kili felt agonizing guilt to not be able to have helped her.

She pushed past him to save his bother! He should have followed. Tears pricked in Kili's eyes as he finally registered the fact that is brother and his best friend were dead.

His fingers tightened around the hilt of his sword.

He would avenge them, even if it meant his death...

This one was purposely short, though I tried to make it longer with the 3rd person POV with Kili.

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