Teasing- Kili

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Requested by: Annageek

Part 111, yay!

You looked across the gardens and found Kili, hanging out with his brother. They were laughing at a joke one of them had just said.

You sighed.

You had a major crush on Kili, you wouldn't deny it. Unless, of course, Kili asked if you had a crush on him...

The younger Durin brother turned his head and you focused yourself back to working, cursing yourself for staring in the first place. Erebor was creating a garden, for back up food supply in case anything happened. It is always nice to have a backup plan. It also gave jobless folks work to do.

"Heya, Y/n." Kili chirped from behind you and you jumped.

"You frightened me." You gave a playful glare and stood up, brushing the dirt from your skirts. "Is there anything you need my Prince?"

"My Prince," He huffed the name in a low, growling voice. He straightened himself up and put on a blank face. "I like the sound of that. So much," he paused, "formality."

"Is it not accustomed for a worker to treat her superior with respect?" You blushed.

"We're-" he struggled for a second, "friends, Y/n. On work or not, you shall call me Kili."

Your heart sank at the word 'friends.' What chances were they? A servant who worked in the gardens possibly courting a prince? Stuff like that only happened in the fairy tales your mother read to you as a child.

Kili looked upset too, but pushed it away when you looked back at him. He then had a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Yah now, you look really sexy all covered in plants."

"What-" You were taken aback.

"I mean seriously! You look fabulous."

"Fabulous is only a word to be used on King Thranduil." You remarked, chuckling a bit.

"But he's an elf." Kili whined. "You're hair is perfectly messy-"

"Is this some kind of joke?" You stared, starting to get curious.

"Whatever do you mean, My Lady?" He raised a flirtacious eyebrow.

"I saw you and your brother laughing over there."

"Y/n the spy!" He sing-songed.

"Can I go back to work now, I have to be paid, you know."

"Of course, of course." You bent down and he whistled, causing you to blush as red as the tomatoes you were harvesting. The Prince is known for mischief, don't let him interrupt you again.

But Kili didn't leave. You heard his footsteps behind you then suddenly he 'tripped' and landed on top of you.

"Kili!" You protested, feeling your cheeks flush.

"I'm sorry, I was admiring your beautiful garden-"

"There are other dwarves who work here-"

"And I wasn't watching where I was going and happened to trip."

"Happened?" You gave him a smirk and his face reddened. Kili helped you up and gave you your tomato basket.

"So few, I bet you could do better."

The basket was full.

You rolled your eyes and picked a couple more until the basket was practically overflowing.


"Very much so."

You two walked over to the harvest bins, to turn in your work and got paid. And of course Kili had to trip again, knocking the basket out of your hands.

"Kili!" You snapped, then sucked in your temper. You couldn't explode at the Prince in public. You gave him a sweet smile. You picked up your basket.

You and the younger Durin walked in silence until you were alone in the halls of Erebor.

"Okay, what is with you?" You snapped.


"All this teasing, flirting, whatever you would like to call it."

"This is me being normal."

"It sure wasn't normal before today."

"'Course it was-" He tried to push the matter away.

"I liked the old you, then." You admitted, defeated. "You were kinder, still funny, and I liked you more than a friend." Then you covered your mouth as Kili's eyes widened.

"I was doing this because I liked you too!"

You both just let each other's words sink in. You had never gotten this far with a guy before...

"I've never gotten this far with a girl before." Kili said plainly. You let out a chuckle. "What should I do?"

"You could kiss me?" You suggested.

"Alright, close your eyes." And you closed them, not even a moment later Kili lunged at you with a force that caused you to take a step backwards. He awkwardly put his hands around your waist while you set your arms on his shoulders.

Butterflies danced up your stomach and it seemed like bolts of lightening were coming from his touch. His lips worked passionately against yours and it seemed like the kiss could go on forever.

But it stopped when you heard someone clear their throat.

"Thorin wants you up in the throne room." Balin said dully.

"Sorry Balin." Kili winked at you, then dashed off.

"It's getting late, Y/n, I suggest you go to your chambers and you can see Kili tomorrow."

"Yes Balin." You blushed, ashamed of being caught kissing the Prince in a hallway. You dashed off to the direction of your room, hearing a 'Young love' comment from Balin as you left.

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