Eomer and Bones

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You were walking around the woods with your fiance, Eomer. You had met after the battle of Helms Deep. You were one of the elves sent by Elrond and Galadriel to assist Rohan. You had stayed at Helm's Deep for couple days to help with repairs, and that was when you met him. It was a simple touch of the hand and your eyes met...

"What is that?" Eomer's question broke your memory. You looked up as a loud rumbling noise came from overhead. It was a massive... thing, and it was flying through the sky. It had the word "Enterprise" on it, but you had no idea what it meant. You watched curiously as it lowered itself into the ocean. You and Eomer ran over the the beach.

"I don't understand," you spoke. "I have seen anything like it before."

"It looked like it came from the stars." Eomer sounded puzzled. It wasn't long before three shapes rose from where the thing landed. They had the shape of men but they had masks over their faces... 

They walked onto the shore and took of their masks. One had  dirty-blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the other had black hair, raised and looked like an elf but his eyebrows were odd. The other... He had the face of Eomer! Except he had brown hair. They all looked like men, except for the elf-one, but they had short hair and weird outfits. It wasn't long until the elf pointed to you. You drew your bow, and they lifted... something.

"We are friends," the blonde one called out, signalling unsuccessfully to the others to lower what must be weapons.

"Who are you?" Eomer responded. The brown haired one's face paled noticeably. You walked out to meet the men, bow still raised. Eomer had his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

"My name is James T. Kirk." The blonde one said. "This is Spock and Bones." He gestured to the other two. You noticed that Eomer was cautiously eyeing the one called 'Bones.' "Can we ask who you are?"

"I am Y/N daughter of Elrond. This is Eomer, King of Rohan," you announced strongly. "And I would like it if you lower those from us."

"Captain, this is unwise. They are clearly an un-evolved species. We're violating the Prime Directive," Spock spoke up.

"Captain, why does that one look like me?" Bones whispered. "And I am agreeing with the Vulcan for once. We should get out."


"Dammit, Jim, I am a doctor... Not a king of Rohan!"

"Lower your phasers," Jim snapped. The other two listened. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Blonde-Long-Haired Bones and Y/N." You lowered your bow.

"What did you call me?" Eomer snapped.

"Listen, our navigation system stopped, what planet are we on?" Jim sighed.

"Middle Earth, and you are on the border of Rohan," you answered, cautiously.

"Jim, I don't understand why Eomer looks like me."

"Then scan him, Bones!" Bones then took out another device and held it up to Eomer. Eomer drew his sword, the blade was against his neck and shaking only slightly.

"Get that thing off my face, Bones."

"I calculate their understanding of this to be-"

"Can you all be QUIET!" you snarled. "I don't know where you came from, or even what you came in. But can we just have a conversation without you scanning somebody." All the men quieted. "Good."

You and Jim talked back and forth with Spock looking agitated. Bones and Eomer then backed away from the group and started chattering, but never broke away from each other's stares. Eomer had always been cautious, you guessed Bones was the same way. They just needed time to warm up to each other. 

You saw Bones teach Eomer how to work the phaser and scanner, soon Eomer gave Bones a sword and taught him some techniques. It looked like they were becoming friends, and that was good. Rohan needed all the friends it could get, even if they came from a 'Starship' named 'Enterprise.'

There was soon a beeping noise and Jim lifted another device.

"Chekov! Scotty! Tell me something good." He told it.

"Ze navigation seestem iz fixed." A voice came out of it.

"And the Warp Core?"

"Burning like a kitten, Captain." A new voice answered. He had the accent of one of the dwarves you had met from the Iron Hills, but a little less pronounced and obvious.

"We will be right back, as soon as we say goodbye to our lovely friends." Jim winked at you and Bones came back with Eomer. Eomer glared at Jim. "You gave good taste, man, I am just saying."


"The Captain means that you have a pretty wife," Spock said dully.

"Soon to be wife," Eomer corrected with a smile. Bones clapped him on the back.

"Thanks," you told them. "You are welcome to come back again, but only here. The citizens may be scared to see a Starship flying around."

"She speaks wisely, Captain," Spock said.

"Got it."

Bones and Eomer shook hands, and the two men and Vulcan reentered the water putting their masks back on. You stayed on the beach and watched the Enterprise lift itself out of the water, then stretch itself out and disappear with a bang, leaving a light blue trail.

"Well that was, interesting," Eomer chuckled. You two walked hand and hand back to the kingdom.

Not my best chapter, but hope you enjoyed. I guess this was part 2 of Legolas and Turner.

Any more mash ups involving one actor but two characters, plus you?

You can comment any ideas, I can even do things like Harry Potter x LOTR, etc.

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