Don't Leave Me- Boromir

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"Why must you leave, Boromir?" you curiously asked him once you saw him readying a horse.

"Y/n!" He jumped bacwards. He must've been trying to go, unnoticed. "I am on a mission for Gondor, my father has sent me on it. I must go to Rivendell."

"Rivendell? You have decided to see the elves and not tell me, I am your wife, Boromir," you sternly said. Boromir only sighed. In the distance you saw Faramir slowly approach. "Why must you go?"

"This may be dangerous, I could not bear saying goodbye to you. There is a chance I may not come back."

"Then, don't leave me." Tears welled in your eyes, he finished tying the strap and turned to you. He gave you a passionate kiss, but pulled away too soon. He mounted his horse and rode over to the gates were Faramir was standing.

"Remember this day, little brother." You heard him say. He then rode off, and a tear streamed down your cheek. You watched his figure slowly disappear into the distance.

Days later, the horn of Gondor sounded in the distance. It awoke you from your dreamless sleep. 

It could only be Boromir, you raced through the winding streets and up to the watch towers, only in your nightclothes. You looked for Boromir, but his outline on the plains did not appear. You could of swore that the horn in the distance was his. You were joined a second later by Faramir, you weren't the only one that heard it.

"The horn of Gondor sounds in the distance," he spoke. "But Boromir does not appear at the Gates." You turned to see confusion plastered onto his face.

"We should watch for him."

Days passed and the horn did not blow again, and Boromir did not return.

In a dream, you and Faramir were walking across the river, when a boat came floating down the bank.

You splashed into the river, ignoring the cold and looked inside the boat. It was the pale, lifeless body of your husband.

You woke up, gasping. You ran outside and to the riverbank to see Faramir was there. He was holding an object and tears were streaming down his face.

As you studied what was in his hands, it looked familiar...

It was Boromir's horn, but it was cloven in two.

This could only be a sign. Boromir, your husband, had fallen on his journey.

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