The Fall- Bard

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You were crashing through the forest, Bard running at your side. You face was splattered with orc blood mixed with your own. Your plan had started out fine... Go towards the orc band rumored to be on the borders, kill the orcs, get out.
You were still working on the get out part. Hundreds of orcs were on your tail.

"Make for the Drop. If we jump it we will be on open plains, orcs hate sunlight."

The Drop. It was a crack in the earth that dropped 13 stories, at the bottom was a rough, rocky river that wasn't deep enough to cushion a fall.

"The Drop?! Are you crazy?" You gasped as you leapt over a log. If only you were an elf, you could use the forest to your advantage.

"The orcs may not follow us there, it's a long shot-"

"No kidding."

"-But we may recruit more warriors to fight these vermin." You glanced over a Bard, his hands were clenched around his sword.

You continued running as the trees thinned and the long gap came into view. Beyond were miles of bright sand plains. You braced yourself into a full sprint towards the edge of the Drop.

You leapt high at the last second and hit the edge of the other side.
Your hands clawed for a hold but you were sliding backwards. Bard landed roughly ahead of you and spat out sand.

"Y/N!" He turned and crawled to grab your hand. He was the other thing preventing you from falling, but the sand was not good for traction. He started sliding forward, the orcs behind you spat and called their archers.

You tried not to think of the drop below you.

"Let go." You sighed, tears welling in your eyes.

"Never," Bard answered, determination flamed in his deep eyes.

"Please, or we will both die. One of us has to go on," you urged. "Don't worry about me." Tears were falling down your cheek. "I am just a peasant girl with a sword."

"No, you are more than that." He swallowed hard. Your hands were slipping. "I will not let go." He tried to hoist you up again, but lost more space on the cliff. You noticed how far he had slipped and knew you had to let go to save his life.

"I love you, Bard." You cried. Then you loosened your grip and your hands slid out from his. You felt yourself fall, almost weightless, down to the crashing waters. You saw Bard scream out and arrows flew over the ledge. He hoisted himself up. And the last thing you saw was his cloak swish out and disappear before the icy water and sharp rocks made their impact with your body.

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