Meeting- Thorin

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Requested by: ThoraOakensheild

You sat in the great hall of the kingdom in the Iron Hills, around you the seven dwarven clans sat, brows furrowed in heavy discusion. You sighed and put your head in your lap anxiously. Thorin, your husband, had called this meeting, and by the looks of it, it wasn't going to well for him.


You had noticed how often he stayed up at night, distraught with his homesickness, Thorin's longing for Erebor had started affecting his health. Of course his lack of health started changing his mood, and that wasn't good for your twin daughters.

"Thorin," you had pleaded. "Please, just eat something or sleep! Your daughters need your health! If you aren't willing to do that, then why don't you do something that could actually help reclaim our home?"

And at that, a gleam returned to Thorin's dulled eyes. Though he stayed up another night, he started doing something. By the next morning, letters had been sent out for the clans to meet at the Iron Hills. Also, Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin and Gandalf were to meet me at a place of Gandalf's choosing.

Thorin started picking up his broken life from there on.


"Y/N, I don't know if this is going to work." Thorin whispered next to you ear, you turned to him only to find him staring at the main representative of the clans.

"Either way, I will always support your decision." You quitely responded. You continued to wait as the Dwarf Lords talked to their clans about wether they should go, or shouldn't.

"So, may I repeat this." One dwarf spoke up, stroking his long beard. "You want us to lend you our army so you can reclaim your home and slay the mighty Smaug?"

"Y-yes." You could tell Thorin was nervous, but he was able to bring himself together and form a majestic state. "Yes," he responded more clearly, "there was a prophecy about Erebor's return, in order for it to come true, I need your help."

"I know about the prophecy," another spoke up, his voice had a snarky tone. "We all do, I'm sure. But by my account, even the high elves wouldn't help you, and everyone knows that elves are skilled fighters-"

"Do not speak to me about elves." Thorin growled, his words powerful enough to set a dark shadow lingering over the halls. Everyone knew he had hated elves, even from the start, but their betrayal to Erebor made it obvious.

The Lords kept on throwing debates and worries at Thorin, it looked like he was shrinking in his seat. Thorin was young, probably the youngest one there, he was less experienced with winning agruements.

"Listen, you all." You stood up, your face flushed with the eyes of high ranked dwarves. You swallowed, suddenly nervous to continue. "Yes, I know this mission is dangerous, but it is neccesary! Erebor was once the crowning jewel of the clans, wouldn't be a waste to not restore it to it's proper glory? Do you not think that we aren't risking anything going too?"

Small mutters whisked across the halls, Thorin looked up and smiled at you.

"Will you not come and help the dwarves of Erebor, helplessly wandering through the hills, without a home? You disgrace the name of dwarf if you don't even try to help them. Please, all we ask is your you to lend us a hand, even if it means giving us a warrior or two. Please, help us."

The dwarves went back into their former state of conversation, some of them casting glances at your direction. You didn't mind the attention, if anything you felt more hopeful.

"That was a good speach, y/n, our daughters would be proud to see their mother so brave." Thorin spoke gruffly, but pride hinted at the edge of his voice.

"I miss them." You sighed. "But I guess they could be an upside even if the Lords won't help us."


"Getting to see them again, they have been left home for so long since we have been to this meeting. I hope Dis is doing a good job taking care of them." Thorin only sighed at that and lowered his dark eyes.

"Either way, I'm not going to give up Erebor if some dwarves won't help us. And I'm sure my sister is doing fine."

The two of you sat in silence and awaited the answer of the other six clans.

"My kingdom has reached our decision." One clan leader spoke up, he was harsh looking and covered in scars. His thick beard was braided into one, yes, he did look powerful. You prayed that he would give you some good news... "We have decided that this is a goal for a madman, I'm sorry Thorin, but what madness drove you to this idea? I am not willing to risk the lives of my men to reclaim a single kingdom." And with that, he got up and left with the rest of his people, leaving a slightly crestfallen Thorin.

"I agree with him, this is a suicide mission." Said another as he got up from his seat and signalled his people to get moving. "You have high ambitions Thorin, no doubt you would've made a great King."

Then one by one, the remaining kingdoms agreed with the others. Thorin seemed to swallow back tears that he dared not show the others.

"Please," You pleaded with the last remaining kingdom, Dain's kingdom. "You have to help us."

"This journey is yours, and yours alone. If you sucseed, others will know, then we may come to assist. But as I said, if you wish to do this, you have to complete it on your own. I'm sorry Thorin, but I have to go." Dain spoke, he had a somber tone, as if he wanted too, but couldn't. Slowly, he stood. His orange hair glinting off the little candlelight that remained. He muttered a soft "goodbye" and walked off, taking his men with him.

Thorin let out a small yell of anger and put his head in his hands.

"This was our one shot, y/n, and we missed it. Maybe we should just wait." Sadened by the outcome yourself, you walked over to his chair to comfort your husband. You two stayed together for awile until a course of determination surged through your body, tingling your veins and giving you a sense of priority.

"Thorin, you told me earlier that you would go a try to reclaim our home with the other twelve dwarves, your nephews being with them, no matter what the clans said. You can't wait any longer, you need Erebor as much as Erebor needs you. Now, Balin, Dwalin, Kili, Fili, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Ori, Nori, and Dori already agreed to come and help you. Gandalf even found a burglar for you in the Shire! Not all hope is lost." You spoke to him, reaching out your hand and lifting his chin. "We could finally have a proper home for our family."

"We would-" Thorin trailed off, then once again that spark returned into his gaze. A spark you could see clearly in the dim halls. "I'm going." He said firmly. "I'm doing this, for us and the dwarves wandering without homes. The time of Smaug is over!" Thorin stood up so quickly and you lept backwards, smiling at his decision. Thorin gathered his things and turned back to you, and gave you a passionate kiss on the lips.

It seemed like lightening flew from his touch, causing blood to pump faster through your veins. Closing your eyes the world seemed to stop... then start again all too soon once he pulled away.

"I'm going." He whispered in your ear. "The meeting with the Company is tonight, I must leave now."

"Good luck." You breathed your reply, your heart thudding anxiously. You didn't want him to leave you, but you would have to return anyway and care for your girls.

Then, with assured movements, Thorin gave you another quick kiss and whispered "I love you" and left.

"Love you too." You watched him retreat to the doorway, then pass out of your sight.

Hope you liked it, tried to make it a least a little bit longer!

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