Lost? (Part 2)- Thranduil

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Sorry this took me a while to make.

Requested by: Aquamarina2016

As the years went by, you grew stronger. The time you spent in the orc towers certainly did you no good and you were still plagued by nightmares. You dreamed often of your old masters returning and burning the Woodland Realm. They would drag you back to Mordor and you would be stuck in the dark again.

"What are you thinking of?" Thranduil asked you as your arrow flew off course. You sighed and lowered your bow.

"A nightmare," you responded. Walking forwards to retrieve your arrow. "They've been haunting me more often. I've had the same reoccurring dream for the past week. It was so vivid but so dark. I'm lost in my own mind!"

"Y/n," Thranduil sighed, crossing the field over to you in a few strides. He set your bow aside and wrapped his arms around you. "You found me, and I will never let you get lost again."

You looked up at him, feeling a spark between you two. You studied him intently. His eyes were no longer as cold as they were the day you met him. They were now bright and and bluer than ever. His hard features softened whenever he looked at you. You knew there was something haunting him from his past.

His hand slipped under your chin and settled upon your neck as the king slowly drew you closer. Your heart skipped a beat as you awaited what was to come, yet never came to pass.

"Y/n," he said again, now alert. The spark between you too disappeared as you heard a twig snap in the distance and the thundering of feet.

"Orcs!" you squeaked.

"Get back to the Realm!" Thranduil shouted, shoving you forwards. He drew his sword.

"Not without you." You grabbed your bow.

"That was an order!"

You flinched, remembering what the orcs did to you when you wouldn't obey a command. You dipped your head respectively and took off running, sprinting as fast as your legs would take you.

You were running.

Once again.

Memories of the dark overwhelmed you. The terror that you woke up to each day threatened to knock you off your feet.

You skidded through the gates and immediately the guards rushed to you.

"Orcs," you coughed, shaking slightly. "They came running from the south and are heading to the archery range. I don't know how they got through the borders but King Thranduil is out there. We need to send reinforcements immediately."

The halls were immediately filled with shouting. You watched as the guards and warriors raced to the doors. Legolas stood ahead, shouting orders and organizing the ranks.

He had been very welcoming to you. Despite being Thranduil's son, he had no problem with your growing affections.

You ran up to the prince and he nodded at you. "Put me in a rank. I have to go back."

"As you wish."

The only way to rid yourself of the nightmares was to face your fear firsthand, you figured. You didn't want to be lost anymore. Thranduil was your guide, you weren't going to loose him.

You charged into the archery range, seeing Thranduil immediately. Elves and orcs were clashing every which way. You wasted no time swallowing your fear an leaping into the action.

The field that had once seen thousands of years of peace held hundreds of corpses. What once only heard the gentle groan of trees and the sound of arrows hitting wooden targets was now filled with war cries, clashing swords, and screams of pain. The orcs attacked the elves ruthlessly, and the elves countered them skillfully.

You hopped up onto a low hanging tree branch and drew an arrow, firing at any orc that came too close to the king. However, it was not long until your hiding spot was discovered and you were dragged down.

Orcs loomed above you and pinned you down. You had to fight yourself to keep from screaming.

"I know this she-elf," one grunted. "It's the piece of filth from the tower. We had this one locked up for thousands of years, sure we can find a place to keep her for a few more."

"No!" you shouted, struggling.

"Y/n!" you heard Thranduil shout. Next thing you knew the head of one of the orcs went flying. A sword plunged through the heart of another.

You wrenched yourself free and met Thranduil's gaze. His eyes were filled with pain. "You came back."

"I'm lost without you. Why wouldn't I?"

You raised your bow and fire behind him, hitting an orc that threatened to sneak up on him.

Thranduil lurched forwards and captured your lips with his own. He pulled away quickly and returned to fighting. It took a moment to get over your shock, but you soon stepped to his side and defended him, knowing that neither of you were going to leave each other for a very long time.

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