Night shift- Legolas

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Requested by: legolaslover1

Trigger Warning: Smut (Don't say I didn't warn you, I'm terrible at writing it.)

You walked down the halls of the Woodland Realm, your job as a guard continued even though you had married Prince Legolas about a month ago. You sighed, it got pretty lonely wandering in the dark but your shift would end in about five minutes.

You flinched at the sound of a door opening and let out a small gasp. You were used to the quiet as not many people moved around this late at night.

"Y/n." Legolas walked into your sightline. You relaxed upon seeing your husband. "Sorry to alarm you, I'm here to release you from your shift." He smiled at you and held out his hand, which you took as you two walked back to your shared room.

The walk was silent for the most part, not wanting to wake anybody. You occasionally looked over at Legolas and you two shared a smile.

Once you got to your room you slipped off your boots and glanced over to him. You husband sat on the edge of the bed, staring at you intently.

"Can I help you?" you chuckled, and walked over to him.

"Maybe," he said with a sly grin. His eyes scanned the empty room slowly and Legolas walked over to you.

His fingers drifted across your chest and you shivered at the familiar touch. You lowered your hands to his belt and pulled him closer to you. Your bodies met only separated by a few layers of clothing.

Next thing you knew, you were slammed against the wall as his lips traveled hungrily up your neck, under your chin, and finally meeting your lips.

Legolas moved his hands from your waist and started sliding your dress up, breaking the kiss just enough to get it over your head. Then his hands moved to your corset, unlacing it, leaving you in just your under-shirt.

Legolas went back to nipping and sucking at each of your pressure points, relishing every gasp and moan your released.

Taking a step from the wall, you pushed Legolas back to the bed with one hand on his chest. You bit your lip as he began slowly taking each layer of clothing off. There was a moment of just taking each other in.

You pushed your husband onto the bed and began straddling him, grinding your hips over his hard member. Your lips met again, not innocently but fiery and passionate. You took the time and pleasure to trace your fingers around his nipples then lower... Soon, you were teasing him into a fit. His chest rising and falling quickly as he brought his hands upwards to your shoulders.

"Enough," he said roughly. He pulled you down and flipped you so he was on top. You gasped as you felt him waste no time- positioning himself and slowly entering you with no preparation. Your fingers clawed at his back as you let out a long, breathy moan. Your head up next to his shoulder as you held Legolas close.

"Legolas," you whined. He growled and lost whatever control he had. Legolas pounded into you without mercy. You start to moan louder you began to feel the familiar knot in your stomach. He began to pick up speed and you cried out with ecstasy.

"Y/n-" Legolas moaned softly. Your back arched from the bed as you climaxed. Both of you went over the top and gasped to regain your breath. Your husband jerked and shivered.

Eventually, his lips moved back up to yours. Slowly, more relaxed, they began to work together. You let your hearts slow until you weren't kissing at all. Your foreheads were resting against each other and your noses barely touching.

"I love you so much, Y/n."

You smile softly. "I love you too."

You shift over and lay your head over his bare chest as he wraps his arms around you. You both fell asleep, content with each other's embrace.

Read my new book! : Supernatural Preferences and Imagines

Yeah, I don't usually do smut... But if it's a request, okay.

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