Guessing- Thorin

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Requested by: lotr_girl

Arriving in Rivendell, you had no words. It was all so beautiful with the relaxing sound of running waterfalls. And the architecture, despite being created by elves, was good. You looked around the Company, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, Bilbo looked the most impressed.

Then you looked to Thorin.

He didn't look happy. Typical, you knew of his backstory with the elves. You ,yourself were cautious of them, even after Elrond offered you food after trapping you in a horse cage with the Company upon first seeing you. Yeah... But still food and shelter was much needed. You decided to walk around and maybe meet some of the elves, better to be on their good side than bad.

While walking across the courtyard, you saw Lindir again.

"Lindir!" You shouted walking over to meet him.

"My Lady Y/n, are you in need of assistance? I hope everyone is enjoying their stay."

"We are all grateful for the food and shelter," you chuckled, "despite the food fight and all at dinner. I was just wondering if maybe you could show me around?"

"Of course," Lindir smiled. He then started guiding you around Rivendell, showing you where the armory and training areas were. You were mesmerized at the library, seeing rows upon rows of books.

"We have many books here." Lindir gestured to the shelves. "You are welcome to take a look, but most of them is in our native language versus the Common Tongue."

"I wish the library in Erebor could be this big. When the dragon was out of our lands, most of the space was used for mining and household chambers."

"The library here will always be welcome if you want to stop by." Lindir gave you another smile. "I noticed that you are not like the other dwarves, you seem to have-" He trailed off.

"More respect for other cultures? Better manners." You laughed. "I get that a lot, but my father was a dunedain and my mother, a dwarf. They taught me the cultures of men, elves, and dwarves. That gave me more interest and behavior skills of a dunedain, and the looks of a dwarf."

You and Lindir talked more and more about cultures and lifestyles. You roamed the halls and took in everything he said, and he too seemed interested in the life of one in Erebor.

"Y/n!" You heard a ruff shout behind you. You turned to see Thorin marching up to you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you a bit backwards, out of earshot of the very surprised looking Lindir. "What are you doing walking around with that elf?"

"Wha- Lindir?"

"I've seen you two walking around Rivendell... socializing!" There was a fury in his eye that you didn't quite understand.

"What's so wrong with making friends? I have no quarrel with these elves, only Thranduil's! Lindir has been very helpful showing me around, I'm sorry, but I think it is better to have our hosts that feed and shelter us actually like us." You didn't mean to sound harsh, but Thorin needed to understand that we needed to be on the elves' good side. You watched as the Company's leader stepped back, hands up in defeat, and walk away. You let out a heavy sigh, wanting to say more, but turned back and walked to Lindir.

"Is everything okay?" He gave you a concerning look.

"Yeah, yeah." You looked down to the ground. "Everything is fine."

You returned to the room where the rest of the dwarves were staying, immediately noticing Thorin standing quietly towards the edge of the group. You inched your way over to him.

"Thorin, listen, I'm sorry-"

"No need to apologize, Y/n, you were right."

"Yes but-"

"Just keep talking to Lindir, see if I care." He sounded... sad. You lifted your hand to touch his shoulder, but he turned and walked over to Dwalin.

Defeated, you walked over to your bedroll. Whatever chance of Thorin liking you back was probably gone now.

The morning you got up to see that most of the Company was still sleeping. Bilbo and the Durin brothers were awake and walking around, still taking in the beauty of Rivendell.

You stretched and started heading towards the dining hall, having know where it was from dinner the night before and Lindir's tour.

"Ah, Y/n. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you." You smiled up at Lindir. "I would like to extend a thanks for being so generous during our stay, but I'm sure Thorin would want to leave soon."

"It is still very early." But you shrugged, you were sure that your slight dispute with Thorin would make him want to leave earlier. You began to talk with Lindir again until you heard a set of footsteps walk up behind you.

"Y/n," Thorin spoke roughly, "we need you back at our quarters." You dipped your head and said a quick goodbye to Lindir.

Halfway back to your chambers, Thorin stopped you and pressed you against the wall.

"What is the mean-" You protested.

"Why are you always hanging around that elf?" You could see sadness, anger, and something else in his eyes. Your breath hitched in your throat.

"I just-"

"Wait, I don't care." He sighed. "I was just wondering if you would like to stay behind, here, in Rivendell."

"What do you mean?"

"You seem happier here, more at home. Lindir would-" Thorin started stuttering then everything clicked.

"You're jealous!" You yelled, quickly covering your mouth. Durin's Beard, Thorin was jealous because of you and Lindir?

"I- I-" This was the first time you have seen Thorin flustered. "I guessed-"

"That I had feelings for an elf?" You teased. Thorin stepped back, face pink with embarrassment. Then your voice dropped, barely a whisper. "Why would I have feelings for an elf when I have feelings for you?" You blushed and looked down to your boots, the tiles suddenly becoming more interesting than your conversation.

Then you felt a surprisingly soft hand lift up your chin. Your eyes met with Thorin's dark ones and you sucked in a breath, feeling the heat radiating off his body due to how close you were.

"You have feelings for me?" You nodded shyly. He lurched forwards and mashed his lips to yours. Once the overall shock that Thorin Oakensheild was actually kissing you, you returned the kiss with the same intensity. You lips worked together and his hands wrapped around your waist. You strung your arms over his shoulders and for this moment, the waterfalls stopped running, the birds stopped chirping, all movement ceased except for you and Thorin.

You two eventually broke the kiss but still held each other, wanting this moment to linger.

"I love you, and only you, Thorin. Don't guess for one second that I would fall for Lindir. If you will have it, my heart belongs to you."

Thorin gave you a soft kiss with a look of pure adoration.

"Your mine." He sighed. And together, you continued walking back to your chambers.

I finished this at 12:15am, so I'm very tired... Sorry if this sucked. Requests are still closed, at least until I get the rest done. I have about 5 more after this, plus some for my other books...

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