Torture- Aragorn

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Okay, I'm going to start doing trigger warnings, just cause.

Trigger Warning: Torture

It had been a week ago, or was it just days ago? You had lost track of time. Well, some time ago orcs had raided a Gondor Campout and had taken you, Aragorn's wife, as hostage. They had locked you in a high tower towards the back of the borders, farthest from the borders of Mordor. Your room had no windows, and a padlocked steel door. Each day they came in, orcs came in a tortured you. Battering and bruising your body, you tried not to scream. You had to stay strong. For what you assumed to be nighttime, you were hung be your arms against the cold wall, nothing but your torn undergarment to keep you warm.

You woke up after a short nightmare filled dream, to hear the rattling of keys. You kicked and thashed painfully as orcs lowered you chains and dragged you onto the chair.

"When I'm through with you today," sneered the foul orc, whose nasty breath heated your nose, "your lover, Aragorn, won't be able to recognize you." He let out loud guffaws of laughter as he pulled out a long blood covered knife. You whimpered at the sight of its sharpness. The orc smiled, then checked to see if your bindings were tight.

He dragged the blade across your arms, making deep slices until you barely had any space betwenn each cut. Hot, sticky blood dripped down and splattered on the floor. Your torturer then reached into a bin and grabbed a handful of salt, sprinkling it over the already-stinging wounds. You clamped your teeth together to stop yourself from screaming out. The orc snickered at your discomfort.

Then he pulled out a jagged blade, each of it's spikes glinted from what little light there was. He made more cuts across for stomach, each jagged end ripping agonizing slashes into your delicate skin.

Think of Aragorn! You urged yourself, you remembered his smile and how it lit up the room. How he battled so confidently in the fields, and how passionate and soft his kisses were...

But you found it hard to concentrate as the evil orc pulled out a club, a club covered in nails, and swung it against your leg. The sharp points cutting into your muscle and snapping your bones. You let out a small groan, you were sure if you had opened your mouth it would've been an earsplitting scream.

More orcs came into the room and start punching at your ribs and your shredded gut. Knives were pressed into your cheeks and you could feel your life slipping away with each drop of blood. If only you could just fall asleep, or die already! This is how it was everyday, you had lost hope in anyone coming to your rescue...

One day a group of orcs brought in the same machine that your knowledge told you they used to torture Gollum, or Smeagol as some may know him. They gnashed their teeth, anxious to get started.

"Why?" You suddenly sobbed out, you were already weak and thin. Your wounds were infected and stinging, and sickness had begun to flare in you. They only laughed their reply, some sniggered so hard they fell onto the bloodstained ground.

"Lets say, when we are done with you, you will wish you have never been born."

"I already do." You say, spitting in his deformed face. Anger boiled inside you.

"You will pay for that, maggot." He sneered.

"What do I have to loose?" You replied calmly while being sure to add some humored tones. The group snarled and shot you dirty looks.

They picked you up and placed you into the torture device, you had lost all strength to struggle. You sighed, this was your life now. The orcs started turning the cranks, and excruciating pain bolted through your battered body. Tears streamed down your face and burned the cuts on your face. Then, you heard swords echo up the chamber, there was a fight happening!

Orcs screeched and you heard bodies fall, your torturers stopped and drew their swords and ran off to battle.

"Tell me where she is!" You heard a familiar voice yell.

"She's not here!" Protested a squeaky voice of a goblin. It was Aragorn, here to save you! You let out a long scream that burned your lungs and sent pain through your gut. It was worth it, you heard his sword make a quick slice before footsteps hurried towards your room. Your heart gave an excited beat but seemed to stop as you saw an orc holding a knife.

"Say goodbye." He snarled, but a shadow moved behind him.

"Goodbye." You said sweetly as a sword plunged through his ribs. He collapsed with a loud wail. Aragorn lifted you out of the chamber and gasped at your tortured appearance.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry." He breathed, setting you down quickly on the chair. You wobbled dangerously, the lack of blood finally catching up to you.

"It's okay." You choked, leaning your forehead forward so you could cry into his shoulder. Aragorn carefully put his arms around your waist then carried you bridal style down the steps.

"Lets just get you home." He leaned down, pausing, and gave you a sweet kiss. Your heart seemed to skip a beat, and you faded into unconsciousness.

"My King!" You awoke to see several guards rushing forward. You were nearing the gates to Minas Tirith, and you were still in Aragorn's arms, but the trip across Mordor must have been a couple days! "It's the Queen!" They gasped.

"Someone get a medic!" Faramir shouted. But it wasn't long until you faded again.

The next time you awoke, you were in a soft bed. Bandages were wrapped around you and Aragorn was sleeping with his head at your side. You sighed, it was good to be home. Aragorn's eyes flickered open.

"Thank goodness you are awake!" He said, then crashed his lips to yours for a passionate kiss.

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