Didn't Tell- Thorin

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Requested by: endless_eggos

The fear traveled through your veins but you refused to let it show. You had to keep steady breathing, steady eyes, and a steady face. Or he would know. And if he knew...

Your complexion became ashen as your stomach dropped. Involuntarily, your hands twitched.


Damn. He knew.

You cleared your throat and faced Thorin. You froze under his penetrating gaze. "Is everything alright?"

Of course he had to sound so level-headed, so sympathetic... Damn him for being so kingly. Instead of letting his own fear show, he chose to care for you. Thorin could have been focusing on the armies at your doorstep but he chose you.

He would never understand.

"Yes, Thorin, I am fine." You turned your head away. Your could hear the shuffle of his boots against marble echo through the cavernous hallways of Erebor. This would be the last time you would be here. If you were to stay here for much longer, you would bring disgrace to the king and to your family. For that, you would have to leave.

He grumbled, "You don't look fine."

Fresh tears sprung to your eyes. You blinked them away with your head still turned. Thorin shouldn't see you cry. Not when there was a battle to be won.

"I just want you to be happy," you said. "I want you to be king under the mountain. I want your halls to be filled with people, trade, and the hope for a new era. I want-" Your voice got away from you. I want you to meet your child that I am to have. But a bastard will not bring good fortune and you would not want your name to be tarnished. You cannot know, Thorin. I want to stay here.

I can't stay here.

Thorin smiled. You were glad that sword-fighting was not your only talent-- you had a silver tongue, and you knew how to use it. He didn't know.

"I want all of that for you too," he murmured and took a step toward you. You felt his fingers tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You resisted the urge to sink against his touch.

Luckily, horns blowing outside caught his attention. His armor clinked as he walked down the promenade, to battle. You followed him back to where the Company stood. And you followed them into battle.

As soon as you were separated by the battalions of orcs, you allowed yourself to disappear.

-.-Six Years Later-.-

"Come along, Thella." You held out your hand for your five-year-old daughter to take. Your little girl smiled and the crinkle in her eye reminded you much on the one you had to leave behind.

Her smile. Her eyes. Her hair color-- It was all Thorin. You had named her wisely, you knew. However, it wouldn't be long until the others found out about her true parentage.

It was time to go back to Erebor. To have your daughter meet the King Under the Mountain.

"Look! I can see the mountain! Erebor, momma!" Thella was pointing excitedly. She couldn't sense the nerves that the lonely mountain brought you.

"Yes, that is Erebor."

"The king is there."

You nodded. "His name is Thorin, and we must treat him with respect. He may not want to see us."

Thella pouted. "Won't he want to meet me?"

"I don't know. That is why we must be on our best behavior. Okay?" You looked down at your daughter. She was gazing thoughtfully ahead.

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