Surprise- Eomer

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Though "birthdays" weren't commonly celebrated in Rohan, the kingdom was doing something special for the king, Eomer. There was going to be a feast in Edoras and you had a little surprise for him.

"You can kick your fancy ales// You can drink them by the flagon!// But the only brew for the brave and true// Comes from the Green Dragon!" 

You laughed as men imitated Merry and Pippin's song when they were here many years ago. The halls were full of singing and dancing, it was just like a battle was won! Eomer did a good job at keeping the people happy and cheering them up from Theoden's last years. He was a truly remarkable king.

You shook your head, now was not the time to look back and dampen the mood.

"Well, here's a pretty lady." You heard a smooth voice come from behind you and arms wrapped around your waist. "Hello, My Queen." You wriggled around until you were facing Eomer, his eyes sparkled when he met yours. Slowly he leaned down and gave you a soft kiss, which you had to smile internally, he hardly showed any public affection.

Reluctantly, you two pulled away.

"King Eomer," you teased, you knew he hated it when you addressed him formally, "I have a surprise for you."

 You reached down and took his firm hand and guided him past the tables of drunken men who hastily bowed in the presence of the King and Queen. Still leading him, you took him out the doors, but not down the stone stairs.

Finally stopping, the both of you took the chance to admire the stars that glittered across the darkening sky. Eomer removed his hand from yours and draped it across your shoulder and you melted into his touch.

"I have something to tell you," you spoke, your shaky voice breaking the peaceful silence. Eomer stiffened against you and turned his head to face you, worry and curiosity glinted in his eyes. You chuckled. "Do not worry, it is not bad."

"You can tell me anything, though." But his voice sounded gruff.

"Well." You sighed, wringing your hands nervously. "Eomer-" You cut yourself off, you didn't know how to say it. A wind drifted across the courtyard and leaves blew past your feet.

"Yes?" Eomer urged.

"You are going to be a father." You felt dizzy saying it and lowered your head, for some reason you didn't want to see his reaction. Would he be mad? Worried? Happy?

You flinched when a cold hand reached under your chin and pulled your head up to look at your husband. You were shocked to see Eomer had tears in his eyes.

"I- I-" But he couldn't finish. He just mashed his lips onto yours and passion seemed to radiate of you two. Eomer moved his hands and place them, once again, around your waist. He picked you up and gently swung your around. "No words can explain how happy I feel," he murmured between the kisses.

It seemed the two of you were lost for words but you knew you should return to the feast.

"We should head back," you whispered, still lingering in his arms. Almost carefully, Eomer wrapped one of his arms across your back so his fingertips could brush across your stomach, as if he could feel something yet and you walked back to the party.

I have writer's block, so this is just a scrap idea that I threw out to write. I needed to publish something, yah know? More requests would be appreciated, I will try and complete them to the best of my abilities.

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