Dreams- Legolas

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There was an unseen pain that you felt and shared with Legolas as you arrived at Helms Deep; It was a despair that settled deep into the pit of your stomach and an ache in your heart. Aragorn had fallen during the Warg attack and there was nothing you nor the Woodland Prince could do. The broken Fellowship had grown close over the journey that lead you from Rivendell to Rohan. To loose another after Boromir did not sit easy.

You knew Legolas needed you for support as you needed him in this tough time. In Mirkwood, you had grown up with the Prince. Best friends for hundreds of years. You fought side by side, learned together, and eventually fell in love. Where you went, he went and vise versa.

With your hands clasped together, you wandered through the city of stone. The people were carrying food bundles to the caves and tending to the wounded. They obviously were not thinking of the forces of Mordor that could be marching against Rohan at any time.

You wanted to think of something happier. To naively distract your mind. Legolas shared your thoughts.

He spoke softly in the common tongue, "Let's build a house someday."

"A talan?" you questioned, turning to face Legolas.

"With a garden."

"I like that idea." You gave his hand a squeeze, thankful for the distraction he offered. You liked picturing your future with the Prince. The thought of living peacefully, even for just a day or two, was nice. "Amin mela lle."

"Amin merna lle valin- Ten' Amin mela lle." Legolas murmured into your ear. You felt your heart skip and you turned to look him in the eye.

"Lye coia naa nardane-" You wanted to kiss him however you felt eyes upon you. Slowly you glanced over to see children gawking up at you and whispers exchanged.

"They're elves," you heard one say in awe. Their young faces were clearly mesmerized at your appearance.

"They're so tall!"

"I want to learn to wield a bow like they do."

"I wonder what they were saying-"

The children shortly returned back to their adorable games of sword fighting and adventure.

You smiled to Legolas, the corners of his lips ghosted upwards. His eyes held a warm glow. The two of you seemed to communicate silently and his cheeks became dusted with a rosy color.

"Y/n," he began to say. "Perhaps, one day-" It looked as if he wanted to say more but the ringing of bells cut him short. The entrance to Helm's Deep opened and soon enough the both of you were running towards the plaza.

You waited outside the City Hall's doors when a rugged and bloodied figure approached from the crowds, lost in thought. A man who you thought to be dead. He paused in front of you and Legolas.

"Le abdollen," Legolas said. It was at that moment that the pain of loss was lifted from your shoulders and you felt so much lighter. "You look terrible."

Aragorn smiled briefly and let out a soft chuckle. He put a hand on your shoulder in greeting before Legolas gave him Arwen's pendant.

"Hannon le," Aragorn said breathlessly.

You knew the moment shared between you and Legolas was lost, but it would not be gone forever.


The light streaked through the boughs in displays of brilliant, golden rays. The leaves upon the forest floor were dappled with the sun. Trees were restored to their former glory and stretched to the skies. Mirkwood had earned its old name back: Greenwood.

Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath.

A hand wrapped around your waist and you opened them to see your husband.

"What are you thinking?"

You sighed happily. "That I love you." You walked over to the entrance of the house that you and Legolas had built. Your garden outside was currently in bloom with the flowers and vegetables Sam had given you from the Shire. You could see your son playing in the meadow, waving a piece of tall grass around as if it were a sword.

Legolas followed your gaze.

"Gwenion is going to be quite skilled when he is older."

"More skilled than his father?" You smiled as your son began running back to you and Legolas. Your lover crouched low with a happy laugh as Gwenion rushed into his arms with a goofy look. You watched the father and son interact and your heart felt lighter.

"Gwenion," you asked kneeling to floor beside your son. "Would you like to have dinner with Thranduil tonight?"

"Uma!" he cried happily, dashing to his room to change into a suitable outfit.

"I think he takes it from-" Legolas began playfully.

"-You," you finished. "He gets his love for fashion from you. Speaking of, I should change into a suitable dress. Help me with the ties?"

Your husband nodded and followed you into the bedroom, closing the door behind him and keeping an open ear for Gwenion- even though he was old enough to change by himself and be by himself.

The dress you selected was silver with simple embroidery for design. You were quick to undress then allow Legolas to tighten the back of your outfit.

"You haven't worn this dress in a while," he remarked as he finished the laces. You turned around and put your hands on his shoulders.

"No," you murmured and pressed your lips to his. "I have not. Not since Aragorn's coronation."

Legolas hummed happily. "I remember that day. You told me you were with child afterwards..." Your husband paused and his eyes widened.

"Legolas, melleth nin, I have something to tell you..."


Sindarin to English: (Forgive any errors)

Amin mela lle- I love you

Amin merna lle valin- I want to make you happy (Ten' amin mela lle- because I love you too)

Le abdollen- You're late

Hannon le- Thank you

Uma!- Yes!

Melleth nin- My love

Gwenion is a name (that I got from an LOTR-Elvish-Name-Generator) that loosely translated to Friendship/Bond which relates to the Fellowship and being the son of so and so. In this case his last name would be Legolion or something like that meaning Son of Legolas.

I found this article while searching through mystical lore about Legolas and I feel like whoever wrote it was on serious crack. The article was The Top 10 Things You May Not Know About Legolas the Elf by the Huffington Post.

My favorite quote: "Well, you're not alone in thinking that this archer from Mirkwood Forest puts the 'sin' in Sindarin Elf."

This is the list of the 1o things we may not know:

1. He's a geezer

2. He's a stoner. (Because he can hear the thoughts of rocks and stuff) "Unless, of course, he's been smokin' those mallorn leaf lembas wrappers."

3. He has superpowers

4. His daddy hates dwarves

5. He's got insomnia (Because elves don't sleep, but they can dream while walking around and rest with their eyes open)

6. He can defy gravity (He weighs the same as an ordinary man but can walk on snow, you all know this.)

7. He's crazy for seagulls (Prophecy saying he's doomed to fall in love with the sea if he hears seagulls from Mirkwood.)

8. He's a Ghostbuster (Fears nothing but Balrogs.)

9. He looks great in those tight-ass elf pants

10. He can make a magic boat

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