Scales- Aragorn

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This is a Mermaid! Reader and Aragorn

The pieces story worked out last time, I think I'll try it again. This one is kind of long though and definitely not my best. 

Please feel free to vote and comment, though. It would mean the world to me. :)


Rivendell was a peaceful place, you thought. The waterfalls were soothing and the music the elves played were beautiful. Elrond knew of your presence in the deeper waters of the river and invited you to stay.

You didn't interact with anybody, not wanting to disturb their melodic way of life. You were content, as were they.

However, the peace didn't last long before you felt a heavy shadow sweeping through the rivers. It was hard to breathe and the power of it nearly suffocated you. There was something in Rivendell, something evil and old. 

So you broke your internal vow of silence and went to the shore to meet with Elrond only to find he was waiting for you.

"Lady Y/n," he greeted solemnly.

"Lord Elrond," you responded politely.

"I assume you are here for a reason, as am I."

"There's something wrong," you spoke up. "I can feel the darkness and the way it taints the air and water. You know what it is, don't you?"

"I am calling you to participate in a counsel of mine. To decide the fate of the One Ring."

You scoffed. "My Lord-"

"Y/n, you must now that this is very important. Yet..."

"You have invited people of mankind," you finished slowly. "You know what they did to my people, Elrond! We were slaughtered! I am one of the few who remains. I will not endanger my life-"

"-Y/n, they do not know you are a mermaid." Your tail swished through the waters and slapped down on the waters creating a loud, impatient noise. You showed it off to the elf so that he could see each and every scale glittered in the dimmest rays of light. "I understand- but there is a spell that grants you access to land. It will not wear off until you come in contact with water and can only be performed once."

You grunted and pushed yourself away from the shore.

"Help me, Y/n," Elrond said once more.


"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor." You gazed at the people sitting around a stone table and noted thankfully that Elrond sat you farthest away from men and close to a hobbit and a wizard. "Middle-Earth stands on the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate- this one doom." Elrond gazed at the hobbit next to you and gestured to the pedestal. "Bring forth the Ring, Frodo."

Slowly, Frodo stood and wandered to the center of the counsel. His eyes flickering uneasily between the men, elves, and dwarves. He placed a gold ring on the stone table before returning to his seat next to you.

"So it is true," came a voice among the whispers. You felt the ring pull on your heart as if it were the one thing you desired above all else. You shoved that desire away and continued looking towards Elrond.

A man stood. "In a dream, I saw the Eastern side grow dark but in the West, a pale light lingered. A voice was crying: 'Your doom is near at hand. Isildur's Bane is found.'" The man reached for the Ring and you shared a glance with Elrond, annoyed.

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