Miracles- Kili

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Song= Miracles by Coldplay

From up above I heard the angles sing to me these words. And sometimes in your eyes I see the beauty in the world.

Kili had left a couple weeks ago to reclaim Erebor with his uncle and brother, leaving you at home. He yearned for the time he would be able to come back to you, to meet the gaze of your beautiful eyes and take you back to your rightful home.

Oh, now I'm floating so high I blossom and die

The Company had driven out the dragon, Kili recovered from the poisoned arrows thanks to the elf, Tauriel, who had proven herself to be a great friend. But Kili's heart belonged to y/n... But now thousands of orcs were approaching Erebor and Thorin was doing nothing.

Send your storm and your lightning to strike right between the eyes

The Company charged out of Erebor, ready to take whatever blow that was sent at them. They would die to protect their home.

Sometimes the stars decide to reflect in puddles in the dirt

Kili was facing down Bolg, he had saved his brother, now he had to save himself.

When I look into your eyes I forget all about what hurts

Kili had killed Bolg, but had been stabbed through the chest. He imagined you, your sparkling eyes and a smile that could light up the room. He found his pain fading away.

Oh, now I'm floating so high I blossom and die. Send your storm and your lightning... And cry

Kili felt himself fading, but he didn't want to go. He wanted to see you again no matter how much it hurt.

Believe in Miracles

You were cooking dinner, for two as usual, when you heard horns blowing in the distance. The horns of Erebor... Kili had come home!

Oh hey, I'm floating above the world now

You rushed out of the house, frantically tying your hair back and fixing your dress. You got to the courtyards where other dwarves were gathering, you saw Dis standing to the side and you walked up to meet her. You grasped hands, anxious to see your loved ones again. The outline of distant dwarves approaching came closer and your noticed that it was mostly dwarves of the Iron Hills.

Slowly they neared your small community and dwarves scattered to find loved ones or friends. You scanned the crowd, but only saw Fili and Thorin.

"Kili!" You shouted, pushing your way to his brother and uncle. "Kili!"

You reached Thorin and looked at him expectantly, his face showed no emotions. He didn't say anything... He only left you and walked up to Dis.

Your breath caught in your throat, you lost sights on Fili.

You were alone.

"Y/n!" A distant voice rang out. A familiar voice, you turned then saw him.

"Kili!" You shouted, glee filling your voice. He pulled one of his characteristic smiles. You ran to him, nothing in the world seeming to matter. He opened his arms and greeted you with a heartwarming hug then picked you up and spinning your around. You two looked into each others eyes, tears pricking at yours. He leaned down and gave you a passionate kiss and you melted deeper into his embrace.

"I promised, y/n." He whispered, forehead leaning against yours. "I promised that I would see you again."

"I love you Kili."

"I love you too."

First song lyric imagine. I think I did okay... I have done imagines based off of songs and then there is this, do you think I should do more of them?

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