Arguments- Thorin

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Requested by: ThoraOakensheild

You stormed down the halls to your father, Thorin. Recently, you heard that he was gathering a group of dwarves to reclaim Erebor. It was suicide! You couldn't afford to loose your father, especially since you had lost your mother about two years ago.

"Y/n!" You heard Thorin's voice echo down to you. "What are you doing here, you should be at your job."

You worked as a swordsman, creating weapons and selling them to help support the rest of your broken family.

"Are you serious? How could you expect me to stay there when I just found out you are going to retake Erebor?"

"Who told you this?" You could tell he was starting to get mad, but you were fuming.

"It's suicide, Father! Those who attempted to kill Smaug were killed themselves."

"Never underestimate dwarves, Y/n." Tears pricked in your eyes.

"Don't overestimate yourself. Thranduil's army abandoned us because he knew that his elves would die!"

"Don't speak to me of elves!" Thorin's yell probably could've have been heard from the outside, activity stopped around you and dwarves started to stare.

"He didn't want his people to die! You are going in there, and I don't want you to die." The tears streaked down your cheeks, landing silently at the ground.

You looked at your father, his face was red and you resisted the urge to run off in fear. But he calmed upon seeing your tears.

"If you are going," you started in a small voice, "you are going to have to take me too."

"Absolutely not!" Anger returned to his eyes.

"I can't loose you!"

"And I don't want to put you in danger." He returned.

"You can't stop me!" Your voice shook with emotion. Determination coursed through your veins and you straightened yourself up, not wanting to look cowardly to your father. "If you are going to put your life on the line for something you are so passionate about, Mahal, I'm going to do it too."

"Y/n, I'm not taking you. That's final." There was venom in his voice that made the dwarves watching around you take a step back and continue their work. You narrowed your eyes and leaned forwards, drying your face from the salty tears that still lingered.

"Try and stop me." You turned on your heel and sped off, ignoring the shouts following from Thorin.

You made it to your room and slammed the door behind you and locked it. You paced around it, furious. You picked up one of your handmade swords and launched it like a knife at one of your practice dummies, which it hit in the middle of the face.

Then you collapsed on the bed and the tears came again. You yelled at your Father, you had been so rude to him and probably destroyed the relationship you had with him. Worst of all, you couldn't stop him. He was going to his doom, you had a feeling inside you, you wanted so much to ignore it- say it wasn't true. But how could dwarves of all creatures kill a fully grown, and to add highly dangerous, dragon!

There was a knock at the door that made you jump. The knock was heavy, but short and to the point, no doubt it was Thorin.

"Y/n, open up." You pushed yourself up from your bed and walked over to the door, hand hovering over the handle. You sucked in a breath and then unlocked it and swung it open to reveal your father.

"I'm so sorry!" You sobbed as he outstretched his arms, you ran into them and snuggled against his chest. "I didn't mean to yell, but I can't loose you! After Mo- if you are really going to face the dragon I would want to be there with you, or have you not go at all."

"It's okay Y/n," your father sighed. "I have decided, since I am not going to cancel, to let you come. You are old enough and I know you can handle yourself." You could almost tell that he was looking at the sword in the dummy's face. But he sounded strained, like this wasn't a decision he came up with. He probably talked to Dwalin.

You stayed in your father's embrace, finally starting to relax.

You still didn't want him to go, and you were scared at the fact you were going too... But then you made a vow to yourself, to protect your father at all costs. After all, he was the King under the Mountain. 

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