Bittersweet Reunion- Legolas/Haldir

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Requested by: Crow_Xx


Legolas had been crowned king about twenty years ago and the Woodland Realm had risen up to be one of the greatest kingdoms of Middle Earth. Mirkwood prospered from trade coming from Gondor, Rohan, and Erebor. Grudges against the dwarves had been forgotten.

It was always peaceful.

That is, until the orcs found alliances with strangers from distant lands...

All the kings in Middle Earth joined forces to see this new foe destroyed, Legolas ordered the Mirkwood army to advance and join the ranks for one last battle.

"Y/n," Legolas looked over to you. "If the battle gets rough, come find me."

"You know I can handle myself, if anything, you should come find me," you teased.

Legolas let out a chuckle. "You never take anything seriously, do you?"

"I believe that there is always a light in a sea of darkness," you responded, looking forwards. It seemed like every warrior of Middle Earth was gathered, facing down an advancing army. You could see the orcs' torches in the distance, it felt like you were back in Helm's Deep. There were so many of them! Not to mention, the men that allied with the enemy added at least a thousand more to the other ranks. "Sometimes you just have to look for it."

You and Legolas rode forward on your horses and met up with all the other kings and captains of the royal guard. You all shared a look.

It was time to make the final push.

The captains rode back to their armies, you started shouting commands at the elves of Mirkwood.

"Archers! Advance to the right flank, arrows at the ready!" A large section of your army marched off. "Draw your swords!" you yelled at the rest. " Be prepared to lay down your lives for the ones you love, serve in honor and you will be rewarded."

The kings let out a battle cry and charged forwards, lightening cut through the air.

"To the king!" you called, your army roared and charged right after Legolas.

All the arrows in the air made the day feel like dusk, you lost count on how many enemies you killed. You had to admit, it was getting rough and you began to look for Legolas.

"Y/n!" You heard a familiar voice behind you. "Duck!"

You crouched to the ground as an arrow whizzed over your head, an orc collapsed behind you. You stood up and nodded gratefully to Legolas. You two started fighting side by side, just like you did in the Fellowship.

It was all fine until you saw Legolas turn to you and let out a gasp, barely having time to warn you when a sword sliced down your back.

White hot pain shot throughout your body and you fell to your knees, the world starting to flicker in front of your eyes. You felt multiple hands grab at your legs and arms and drag you backwards, away from your king.


You frowned at the sudden memory and let out a sigh. The battle had been three years ago. You had woken on the battlefield with a familiar face looking down at you, Haldir.

Haldir had taken you to Lorien to heal. During the few weeks of recovery, you two had grown close. You eventually courted with him, and you recently had his son.

You felt guilty though, you knew Legolas had feelings for you. You never returned to Mirkwood since the battle.

You heard your son, Lenwë, start crying. You walked over to your little child's bed and picked him up, singing a soft lullaby that your mother sang to you. You decided to go out and take a walk, which always calmed Lenwë down.

You walked up the pathway that spiraled up the great trees, near to Galadriel's throne. The crying softened to an occasional sniffle and you smiled down at your little bundle of joy. But the smile faded as soon as you heard a voice. A voice that sounded like Legolas'. Your heart skipped a couple beats as you cautiously walked to the throne room, just to see if you were correct.

And you were...

It was Legolas.

You let out a gasp and ducked away, holding Lenwë close as you rushed back to your talan you shared with Haldir.

"Y/n?" A soft voice called behind you. You froze, unsure what to do. You saw Haldir walk down the path, finished with his night patrol. He saw you and made his way over.

You turned around and met the gaze with the king of Mirkwood.

"Hello, Legolas," you whispered, your voice betraying your feelings. He walked over, face falling as he saw the child in your arms.

"I thought you were dead," he breathed out, putting his feelings behind a mask.

"I'm sorry." You felt tears well up in your eyes. "I would have returned, but-" Haldir was now behind you, he put a hand on your shoulder. Legolas dipped his head.

"The Woodland Realm has been different without you, the whole kingdom grieved your loss. I'm sure they would be happy to know you are alive an well here in Lorien."

A tear fell down your check but you brushed it away quickly, holding Lenwë in the other arm. You looked up to Haldir and he seemed to understand that you wanted to be alone, he took your son and returned to your home.

You and Legolas stood quietly for a moment that seemed like an eternity.

"I assume that the child is yours and Haldir's?" he asked, rather awkwardly. You nodded and gave him a watery smile.

"His name is Lenwë." You looked over your shoulder and saw Haldir gently rocking your son in his arms through the window. You looked back to the king who you used to serve.

"I missed you," Legolas sighed.

"I missed you, too."

Legolas shook his head. "Why didn't you return?" His eyes suddenly filled with a look of pure despair.

"I don't know," you choked. "At first it was recovery, then Haldir asked me to stay a little longer, and time passed."

Legolas sighed, letting your pathetic excuse for an answer settle in his mind. Then he spoke once more. "Are you happy?"

You sucked in a long breath. "I am."

"That's all that matters," the King nodded. "I should leave."

"You don't have to!" you shouted without meaning to. He only sighed sadly and shook his head.

"I have a kingdom to run, I will not ask you to leave your family and your home. Goodbye, Y/n."

He turned and walked away. You watched him go down the steps, feeling more broken than ever at the bittersweet reunion.

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