Young and Beautiful- Legolas

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Story inspired by: Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey

Your tired eyes were heavy and your lungs strained to get a decent breath of air. You were old but content. Despite all the pain of old age, you knew you were going to die soon. The blessing and curse of a mortal woman. But more of a curse to your husband, Legolas. While you were wrinkled and weak, Legolas looked as young as ever. He sat solemnly next to you, he soft hand never leaving your grasp.

You were laid on a nice feathery bead, no doubt it was your deathbed. Your gray hair was brushed and pulled out to lay at the side of your face. You struggled in a breath.

"Legolas?" Legolas looked up and met your gaze, he was so sad... So lonely, your life would only be a mere blink in his memory.

"Yes?" he answered, thumb rubbing up and down your frail hand.

"Do you still love me? I am not as young or as beautiful as I used to be." You felt weak, silly, just saying it. But you wanted to know. 

Legolas sighed. "Yes, of course. You have always been beautiful to me, and you are still young compared to my lifespan. Y/n, I still love you, always." His piercing blue eyes only reflected honesty. You forced a small smile, your lips wavering with effort.

"That's good, because I love you to," you huffed. I felt good to say it, those three simple words that meant so much. 

Legolas always seemed to struggle excepting his life was longer than yours. Saying "I love you" may have been too hard, now that he had to accept the fact that, yes, you were old. Yes, you were going to die soon, very soon.

You and Legolas had done so much together. You had gone on adventures, raised a family, and watched them raise families too. Legolas would always be there to see the generations go on and on, but you wouldn't.

As the sun went slower and lower into the sky, you felt more tired, like you could sleep for ages... You felt your legs go limp and the sleeping sensation tingled up your body. You relax, feeling a strange sense of peace. Your time had come. You looked over to Legolas, who had tears in his eyes as if he could sense it too...

"Goodbye, my love," you whispered, gently as if you breathed the phrase out. Then you let the darkness take you.

Not my best chapter, I just wanted to get something done. 

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