Blizzard- Eomer

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Requested by: DaphneDijkstra

You raised a hand to shield your eyes. You had anticipated the chill and the sting of driven snow on your face, but not the ferocity of the wind and how the light blinded you. Right as you left the safety of the Mirkwood forest, the storm hit you like a sword.

The elves warned you of snow. They even insisted that you stay for a couple more days, but you made a promise to your husband, Eomer, that you would return within the week.

In the blizzard there was no way to know which direction to go, the usual landmarks were hidden behind the white that swirled so densely. Even your guide in front of you was little more than a crude outline of a human mostly erased by the storm. The soft crystals you would have found so bewitching from the other side of a pane glass, found their way into your cloak in every possible way. They packed down your neck and between the fabric of your clothing. Your could feel your blood cool and your skin become icy.

You shouldn't have come, not in this weather. Disorientation was a given; and the cold was a killer. Rohan was leagues away. You were foolish to think that you could make it back within the week, now that your horses had run off.

It would be impossible to send a messenger.

You exhaled and pulled your cloak closer to your body. You slowly trudged on.

By the flakes were sticking to your eyelashes and hair. Your skin was numb, but you had excruciating pain in your fingers and toes, which made for a difficult task of pushing your way through the snow that was now up to your thighs. You shivered, staying as close as possible to your guide for warmth. Your throat ached from thirst and the cold. The wind cut through your damp clothing and chapped your lips.

"We need to stop for the night, the storm is only to get worse, m'lady," your guide said. His words were almost stolen from by the wind.

"Where?" you found yourself shouting just to be heard. "There's no shelter."

"The Great River, Anduin, is not far. There should be a lookout post or a riverside town."

Your guide was not wrong, the Great River was not far, but the snow made it seem so.

Anduin was only a few steps away now. The water that had once flowed so freely was now trapped in icy form. It was smooth enough to look like glass, despite the piles of snow over it.

"We need to cross it," your guide muttered.

"What?" you shouted. "We could slip or fall under the ice! We should go downstream, there should be a town somewhere."

Your guide looked skeptical, so you continued, "Or a bridge!"

He sighed, "My Lady, there are trees just across the river. We need to cross soon, or we'll be stuck on the wrong side."

Without listening to your response, he stepped onto the ice. He slowly walked out towards the middle. Despite the howling wind, you could hear the ice crackle underneath his feet.

"Lady Y/n!" he called beckoning you. You sucked in an uncertain breath and stepped onto the ice, thankful for keeping your footing. You tried to balance your weight and step as lightly as possible. You made it out to him in no time. "See, there's nothing to be worried about-"

He didn't even get to finish his sentence. The ice cracked and groaned and broke underneath his feet. He went plummeting downwards, eyes widening. His arms shot out to try and hold at the edge, but with no avail.

You ran forwards, but could not catch him before his head went under the surface. You got down on your stomach and put your arm into the water. The frigidness immediately made you want to jerk your arm out of the river. You felt lost for air. Though you would have hoped your guide would have been able to grasp your hand, your hand was holding nothing.

Your guide must have been swept away by the current.

"No," you whispered, standing up and rubbing your arm. You ran downstream, but saw nothing floating beneath your feet.

It was not long before the ice started cracking below you. Your heart raced with fear as it started breaking. You ran to the riverbank, and embraced solid land with open arms. You turned back and watched as the river refroze. You were alone now. You were lost in a world being devoured by snow.

You wandered for days on end, wondering if you would ever see Eomer again. Not to mention, you were awfully hungry, but the feeling of hunger disappeared about a day ago. You just felt weak and cold.

You reached a barren field. You could see the snow being whipped up by gusts of wind in front of you, but it had stopped falling. Only the dark blanket of clouds remained.

Fatigue and hunger were taking its toll. You took a step forwards, only to fall on your knees.

"I'm sorry," you choked as your sight ebbed in an out. You fell forwards and lost all consciousness.

"Y/n!" Eomer shouted. "Y/n!" He spurred his horse forwards, shouting commands at his search party. He had been searching for days. Once he had reached the barren field he felt lost of hope.

You should have returned long ago. He sent multiple messengers to Mirkwood, but they reported that Y/n had left days before. She had left, and never returned.

"King Eomer!" one of the Rohirrim shouted. "Over there!"

In the distance he saw a figure laying in the snow. He was quick to guide his horse across the field. Whether it was you or not, he knew he would need to help anyways. His heart beat anxiously as he made out that it was a woman.

He slid off his horse and ran over, turning the woman over to reveal that it was you.

He gasped, so did other horsemen.

"The queen!"

You weren't shivering. You were as cold as ice, skinny, and unconscious. But you were alive. Eomer scooped you up into his arms and jogged back to his horse. Allowing his most trusted horseman carry you while he mounted his horse.

Then he took you back into his arms, shouting at everyone to return to the nearest civilization. Eomer held you closely to his chest as he rode on.

A few days later you were surprised went you felt heat. Your eyes drifted open to see that you were in your room in Edoras. A fire was crackling beside you and you were in warm clothes. You could smell a stew being made and there was bread and cheese at your side.

"Y/n!" you heard your husband exclaim, you looked up and met his gaze.

"Eomer," you whispered hoarsely, your throat sore. You sat up and embraced your husband. Next thing you knew his lips were on yours.

You wrapped your arms around his neck. A new warmth spread throughout your veins and your mind was woken up from your sleep.

"I was so worried," he murmured, pulling back and meeting your gaze once more. He rested his forehead against yours. "We searched for days!"

"I'm sorry," you rasped.

"Please, don't be. You're home, that's what matters." He got up and poured you a bowl of stew, which you excepted gratefully. Eomer kissed your cheek and sat down by your side, knowing that he wouldn't be leaving you any time soon.

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