Meeting Him- Eomer

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Requested by: Laura5SOSxo

You looked up from your horse as Gandalf appeared at the top of the hill. 

Now he shows up? The battle of Helms Deep has lasted for quite a while with no appearance of the wizard until now. But then you saw that you wasn't alone as a handsome rider rode up next to him. You realized the task he had done in bringing the lost Rohirrim home.

"Eomer,"Theodin murmured. You watched as Eomer did a signal and hundreds of riders charged down the mountain, jumping over the orcs' spears and driving them into the forest. You rode up next to Gandalf and watched as the trees started moving and creaking. The echo of orcs screams met your ears and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

You looked over to try and make eye contact with Gandalf but instead you made eye contact with Eomer.

The world seemed to stop moving, you heart did a flutter and a warm feeling came across you, a strange sense you had never felt before.

You have heard old tales of love at first sight but you disregarded them as you did not believe in love.

Love- what a foreign concept- did not seem to exist in Gondor. It was there you were in an arranged marriage with one you had no feelings for, Boromir. You were to be forcefully wed only last week- but the task involving the Ring came up and disrupted the plans.

The night you were preparing to leave with the Fellowship to confront Saruman, you heard a knock at your door. You sighed and opened it to reveal Eomer. Your stomach did a nervous jump and you couldn't help a smile.

"I'm sorry, er, to disrupt you," he said. Was it nerves in his voice? "I- I just wanted to say you fought well storming out to charge the orcs, My Lady..?"

"Y/n! Uh, Y/f/n," you muttered. You could feel a blush rising to your cheeks. You tried to hide it by ducking your head, even though it made it that much more obvious.

Eomer chuckled. "I'm Eomer, I've seen you before- with Lord Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas- after we raided the orc camp. We've never met formally." You could tell he was trying to break the awkward silence that hung in the air.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Lord Eomer. I look forward to getting to know you."

"And, I, look forward to getting to know you." He winked and stepped back, looking like he wanted to say more. "Goodnight, my lady," he huffed.

"Until we meet again."

Crappy chapter, sorry 'bout that.

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