Memories- Thorin

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Requested by: jumpingmanatee

You heard a knock on the door and opened it to reveal a dwarf.

"Urgent message for Y/n Oakenshield." He huffed.

"That's me." You extended your hand and took the letter. "Thank you." You nodded as the messenger bowed low then went off. You studied the letter, noticing the seal of Erebor on it. You had been recently been experiencing anxiety from being away from your One, Thorin. It felt like you were going mad from being away from him too long, your bond was that strong, you didn't know if he was feeling the same.

But this letter, you gasped out loud, was he okay? Why didn't he come personally? You tore it open and you read it multiple times, just to make sure you understood it correctly.

Dear Y/n,

I have some information regarding the news of your husband, Thorin Oakensheild. The mountain Erebor has been reclaimed and the battle against Azog's orcs has been won, leading to Azog's death as well.

I regret to announce that Thorin was stabbed during the battle and while he was passed out from blood loss, all memory of you has faded. Thorin is alive and well now, no worries on that part, but he doesn't recall having any memories of you.

I'm terribly sorry, and we are doing all that we can, but nothing is working. You being his One, we thought this was an effect of your separation. We are inviting you back to Erebor to see if your presence will help your husband.



How could he loose his memories of you? You slumped down into the chair, at least he was alive. But what if he doesn't remember you when you come?

You were determined to help him. After all, he was your One. You grabbed your bag and started packing provisions, you were going to Erebor straight away!

A couple days later you were at the gates of the mountain kingdom. You walked through the door to see that Balin was waiting for you.

"I expected that you would come today."

"I came as fast as I could, you said no memories? No memories at all?"

"Not of you, no."

"How could this happen?" You sighed, mostly to yourself.

"He was very anxious on the trip without you, Y/n. We guessed, as I said in the letter, that it was an effect of separation. No one knows for sure, so we don't how to help."

Balin led you down the halls that looked like they were under repair, you were suddenly curious on what happened. Finally, you reached the throne room. You looked over the pathway down to the black pit of the mountain and shivered. Then you looked up and met the gaze of your One.

Warmth spread within you and you realized just how much you missed him. You wanted to run over and wrap your arms around him, to pull him close, enjoying each other's comfort... But you remembered. Sadness weighed you down as you felt the gaze leave you and turn to Balin.

"Who's this?" You gasped and couldn't deny the pang in your heart.

"This is Y/n, Thorin." You felt the hollow gaze flicker over you again. "You sure you have no memories?"

You leaned forwards, hoping to hear the answer you wanted to hear...

"No, I don't." Thorin sighed, obviously a little upset.

"Just spend some time with her, I'm sure there might be an ember left." Balin walked off leaving you with Thorin.

Alright, maybe talking with help.

"How did you do it? Defeating the dragon and winning the battle?" You prompted, determined to stay strong and help Thorin.

"We sent our hobbit in, to find the Arkenstone-" Thorin started filling you in on the journey. He told everything from driving Smaug out, watching the dragon destroy Laketown, then his desire to find the Arkenstone. You could tell that he really was trying to remember you and get close to you again.

Thorin explained how he got over dragon sickness, he stumbled up explaining how. He said it was someone, like a shadow in his mind, that helped pull him out. He looked at you and studied you, trying to fill in the blanks, but he couldn't. He just shook his head and moved on.

He told the events of the battle. Kili saving Fili from Azog and later Thorin killing Azog over the frozen waterfall... Which led to recent events.

But the thing that caught you most was the 'shadow in his mind' that pulled him out of the dragon sickness. Was he referring to you? You were probably there, but there was something blocking you.



"Do you remember our house in the Blue Mountains?"

"I do."

"Describe it, please." Thorin looked at you as if you were crazy, but he sucked in a breath and started talking.

"It was made of stone. I built it for me and-" he concentrated, "you, I'm guessing. It was designed to have an Erebor feel. There was a bedroom that I shared-" another pause, "a kitchen, bathroom, and a guest room for when Dis and my nephews came over. Later, I built two more rooms for when Fili and Kili got older."

"Do you remember the field where we would watch the stars?" You watched as Thorin pushed himself into a memory. A small smile went across his face as he slowly opened his eyes.

"That's where I proposed to you. We were wanting the stars when I asked you to court me, you said yes."

Happiness filled you up, he remembered something! Soon, Thorin lost himself in more memories. He talked about the house and the field...

You felt a hand grab yours. You looked up to see that Thorin's gaze was no longer hollow. They were filled with light and love. Tingly sensations went up your arm at his touch. He wrapped you in his arms and held you close for a while. Then he crashed his lips to yours and you deepened the kiss.

Too long, you waited for that too long.

"I remember." He mumbled between kisses. "Something about having you here clicked, thinking about memories just brought you back, and your touch sealed it."

He rested his forehead against yours.

"I remember that I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too."

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