Too scared- Pippin

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It was Bilbo's 111th birthday and you were out dancing with your friends. You stayed out for the couple dances and modestly turned down the pile of hobbits that tried to get you to dance with them, you were just waiting for the right guy...

"What's wrong with dancing with a fine lad?" One of your friends asked you. "You've never done it before."

"I'm just waiting for the right partener." You sighed. But you longed to go out and dance with a guy, you wanted the fairy tale ending were you fell in love in each other's eyes... You wanted to meet a nice, respectable hobbit, with a good sense of humor, and settle down. Yes, you were just waiting until the prime time. Little did you know that the particular hobbit was just across the clearing.

Pippin's POV:

I watched with jealuosy as more and more guys offered y/n ales or a chance to dance, there was a little flutter in my heart when she turned them down. I really liked y/n, I was just scared to admit it. My insides screamed at me to ask her out, but she may just turn me down like all those other men.

"Just ask her out, Pip." Merry sat down next to me and offered me an ale, which I turned down, it felt like I swallowed butterflies.

"It's not that simple, Merry." I huffed. "I've never felt this way before."

"You're scared!" Merry teased, playfully punching me in the arm.

"No, I'm not." I replied defiantly. "I'm just waiting for the right time to ask y/n to dance."

"Well you better do it now, I see a group of very handsome hobbits coming her way, better get to her first." At with that, Merry jumped up and went to find Frodo, leaving me alone on the bench.

Your POV:

You were laughing with your friends when you felt a tap on your shoulder. Your friends giggled girlishly and slowly backed away, you turned to see who it was.

It was Pippin! You had barely knew him before, but to be honest he was quite cute and very funny.

"Erm-, Miss y/n, I was wondering, um, ifyouwouldliketodancewithme?" You chuckled, he looked so nervous!

Why not?

"Sure, Master Pippin." A look of relief swept across his face and surprise lingered in his eyes, like he was actually shocked that you said yes. He extended a soft hand, which you gently took, and led you to the circle of dancers. You looked around and saw Sam dancing with Rosie, they looked so cute together.

Pippin awkwardly put his hand on your hips and joyful music started playing again. You twirled and jumped with Pippin, your feet almost moving perfectly together. Then you looked into his eyes for the first time...

The twinkled with the reflection of lanterns and stars up above, the whole world seemed to move in slow motion, even the fast twirling dancers slowed down. It just seemed like it was you, and Pippin.

After the Pippin and Merry sent off a massive fireworks which set you in a fit of laughter when they got caught and Bilbo made his disappearance, Pip escorted you home.

"This is my home." You pointed at a red door sticking out of a small hill. You turned back to Pippin and smirked when you saw he still had ash over his face. "Thanks for dancing with me."

"Thanks for saying yes." He joked, and you turned towards your house. "Wait, y/n!" You spun around, once again he looked nervous.

"Yes, Pippin?"

"I-I just w-wanted to say that I really like you." He finished with a breath, and almost looked expectantly at you. You reviewed the night again, Pippin was the first one to make you laugh in a long, long time. His eyes sparkled every time he looked at you.

A breeze blew and the trees seemed to whisper in your ears.

"I like you too, Pippin." And then, Pippin reached and took your chin and pulled it up towards his face. He bent down and gave you a soft kiss that made little bolts of lightening shoot down your spine.

You two broke apart and a blush covered your face, that was your first kiss.

"Goodnight, Master Pippin." You gave him a kiss on the cheek then slowly headed inside.

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