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You neared the mountain of Erebor, you had almost done it! You were so close to helping the dwarves get their home back, then you would be able to go back to Rivendell and Bilbo would go back to the Shire. But a loud Pop! noise distracted you, you looked up and noticed Bilbo had looked up too.

"Thorin, escuse us for a moment." You said and grabbed Bilbo's arm.

"Fine-" Thorin said, but looked up to see you were already gone. You peeked out from some tree to see two figures lying unconscious in the grass. One was rather tall, wearing a long coat and scarf, he also had curly black hair. The other one resembled Bilbo, quite strangely, they were almost identical... But only he had short blonde hair with gray flecks, and wearing more peculiar clothing. You looked over at Bilbo and saw his face was very white, he must've of noticed the looks of the shorter one.

You watched as the tall one groaned and shakily sat up, wiping some blood off his temple.

"John?" He asked, shaking the other's shoulder. He had a deep, silky voice. "John, are you okay?"

"Yep. I'm okay." The one called 'John' stood up, he was short for a man but definetly taller than Bilbo. The tall one also rose to his feet but swayed because of his head injury.

"Sherlock, let me help your head-"

"I don't need your help John, what I need is to know where we are. We aren't in London." They seemed to come to their senses and look around. You took this chance to step out and approach the strange men.

"You are in Middle Earth." You said, John gaped at you but Sherlock stared at you quite intently. "My name is y/n."

"Yes, yes." Purred Sherlock. John rolled his eyes as Sherlock took a breath. "I can see that you are an elf clearly by your pointed ears that just faintly show through your hair, I can also tell you are an archer- an excellent one to be presice- and skilled with a sword. You have been traveling for many miles, probably on a mission to claim something?" He stared at your shocked expression. "Yes, and you are single with no children, and by the way you hold yourself you have a high athourity. By the way you are staring at John, I guess you are trying to match the similarities between you and the small man behind you you is clearly trying to hind himself. You both have traveled far but by the look in his eyes this is his first journey and has seen traumitising things, but you are both showing defiance against my words so I can only assume you are loyal to your friends- thirteen of them- and don't listen to orders very well."

Bilbo stepped out of the shadows and John's face gained a green tint.

"How d-did you know?" Bilbo squeaked, doing is awkward hand movements and jerkily walking up next to you.

"You even sound like me." John whispered. John and Bilbo faced each other, both shrinking back to Sherlock and I.

"Quite simple." Sherlock stated as if it was obvious. "I can tell see is goo at archery just by the red on his fingers where the bow string is drawn. You both look exhausted, except for you, y/n, you just look experienced, which hints you have traveled. Thirteen friends, very messy I presume?"

You chuckled. "Very messy."

"That was because-"

"Sherlock!" John snapped. "With all this, did you at least figure out where-in-the-bloody-hell-are-we-and-how-we-got-here?"

"We are in Middle Earth John, I'm guessing a paradox opens, we should be back in London anytime, its very obvious."

"No shit, SHerlock."

The questions moved back and forth for many hours, finally darkness loomed over your head and you took Sherlock and John to Erebor where the dwarves were trying to find the key-hole. They were surprised at your odd guests, and Thorin was curious about John, looking like Bilbo so much. But the last ray of sun set and you all looked disappointed at not finding where to unlock the door.

"This quest has failed." Thorin sighed, anger hinting at his voice.

"No it hasn't." Sherlock smiled. "The phrophecy states that the oping will show itself at the last light, does it not?"

"Yes." Thorin grunted.

"The sun is down, but how about the moon?" The company brightened as a shaft of moonlight spread across the walls and hit a spot on the rock, with a hole shaped exactly how Thorin's key would fit.

The door clicked open with ease, and Bilbo was sent down to confront Smaug. But then you heard speaking, Smaug was talking! But had a low rumbling voice that sounded familiar, you imediately thought of Sherlock, you froze in his steps at the voice. You chuckled, two strange men you randomly appeared carrying some sort of resemblance to somebody in Middle Earth just sounded strange.

But then something when wrong, Smaug tore out of the gold chambers and started attacking you. You scattered, not wanting to get hit by the flame that jetted everywhere. You had no desire to be incinerated. Sherlock looked shocked that such a dragon even exsisted, but nevertheless he took John and ran.

"I have a plan!" He called over a the roars and boots stamping over the floors. "Melt the gold over him!"

You and the darwes went to work and put the melted remains into a large pot. You lured Smaug out, knowing that you would be the quickest to jump out of the way of the river of burning gold.

"Now!" You shouted. The pot tipped and Smaug didn't have a chance to react, but you had already jumped high up on top of a windowsill, the leapt over to where Sherlock and John were standing. You awaited anxiously, did Sherlocks plan work?

No. Smaug ripped his way out of the gold.

"Revenge? REVENGE? I will show you revenge!" He spread his long wings as you could only watch in horror as he took flight out to Laketown. "I am fire, I am death."

You could only stand shocked, but you faintly heard John mutter,
"You're a drama queen." Under his breath.

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