Did I Tell You- Thorin

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Requested by: HobbitLover1234

Bard's House was very tight packed with fourteen dwarves, one hobbit, three men, and an elf. 

You had been one of the dwarves picked to go on the quest to reclaim Erebor. Though you were so close to your goal, there were some delays...Kili was thrashing and rolling against the table, the dwarves of the Company were desperately trying to hold him down so Tauriel could treat the poison. 

Bard and his children were too kind as to give you shelter and weapons. 

You sighed and sat down, rubbing your forehead. All this noise was bound to give you a headache. You closed your wary eyes, trying to escape from the chaos. But, there was something nagging at you from the back of your mind. You had heard something- apart from the commotion inside the house.

"I'll be back," you muttered towards Thorin's direction.

You slowly pushed the door open and took a second to study your surroundings. Light snow was falling and covering the stone paths, if it was something strange it would leave tracks. With a small shrug, you began to close the door.

There was a low growl behind you. It sounded much like what you had heard before.

 You whisked around and jumped out of the house, the door slammed behind you. The hair on the back of your neck started standing with the sensation of someone standing right behind you. You gripped the handle of your sword and swung it out of its scabbard, spinning on your heel to come face to face with Bolg.

You immediately started parrying. Bolg sprang at you sword straight out in front of him, but you sidestepped to catch him off balance. With a quick movement you knocked the sword out of his grasp- that was almost too easy. 

Before you could feel triumphant, Bolg got up and set a heavy punch at your stomach. Gasping, you heaved to regain your breath but the orc had gasped your shoulders and threw you across the clearing.

You landed heavily near the river, you breathed a silent thanks for not falling in the icy waters. You struggled to your feet and lifted your sword, just in time to block a blow from your attacker, you had just regained his sword again.

The battle went on an you wondered why no one was stirring due to the noise of sharp swords clashing with each other.

With a grunt, Bold sent another strike your way and your weapons clanged against each other. It was now a battle of strength; he was clearly stronger than you. Your sword flew out of your hand and landed in the channel. So then you would do what anybody else would do to attract attention... you screamed.

Loudly and obnoxiously.

Then you punched him in the jaw.

Apparently, Bolg didn't like your response to being disarmed, he plunged his sword right into your gut. You could feel the blade cut through your skin and out your back, then slowly it twisted out. Your muscles contracted and fire seemed to rage throughout your intestines. You could only just stand there, shocked, as blood spread through your clothing. You faintly heard a shout as Legolas jumped from a building and started dueling with Bolg.

You sank to your knees, hearing your unsteady heart pound in your ears. There were footsteps coming from behind you. You fell into Thorin's arms.

"Y/n, what have I done?" You heard the question, but his voice sounded far away. You tried to focus, however, the pain was almost intolerable.

A cold wind drifted through Laketown, causing you to shiver. Thorin draped his cloak over you and held you close.

"Thorin?" You choked out, along with a mouthful of blood.

"Yes?" You felt his chest rumble with the word and his voice cracking. You knew he was trying to be strong.

"Did I ever tell you that I love you?" You breathed, knowing that death would come at any moment and claim you. Thorin didn't say anything, instead he tensed. His muscles going rigid and Thorin looked away from you.

You were disappointed, to say the least. So, he didn't feel the same way. But Thorin was here with you now as you breathed your last breaths. That's what mattered.

Then, unexpectedly, Thorin leaned down and kissed you... His hand cupped your cheek. It was when you felt his tears against your lips did you notice he was crying. You sighed, not sure whether you were happy this moment happened or sad that it had to end.

Your eyes met as you began choking, struggling for air. Despite Thorin's efforts, the color drained from your face. Your heart have its last beat. Your body relaxed in his arms.

"Did I ever tell you," Thorin mumbled, a tear falling down his cheek as he stared into your unseeing eyes, "that I love you too?"

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