Gone for a Ride- Aragorn

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"I'll be back." You smiled as you mounted your horse. 

Aragorn, your husband, looked up to you. "Have fun."

"Love you."

"Love you too." And with that you spurred your horse forwards and galloped out of the city and across the plains. You reached the edge of the nearest forest and you slowed your horse down. You loved going for rides, it gave you a nice relaxing break from your queenly duties.

You would ride out and enjoy the sun and the wind in your hair. It made you feel like you were back in Rivendell. You missed your home and your family but your heart was with Aragorn. You gave up your elven lifespan to be with him, you would rather die than to go to Valinor without him.

In the distance a twig snapped, causing you to jump and survey your surrounding. You saw nothing and sighed. Just a twig. You were about to turn your horse back to Gondor when a Warg jumped out and knocked you off your horse. You hit the ground with a heavy impact and was knocked unconscious.


Aragorn searched for days and days but found no trail. He didn't know that you were captured and tortured to near death. Months passed and you were finally released from the orc grounds, but by then Aragorn had sadly given up, believing you were dead.

You were weak; wounded, starved, and sick. But you never gave up. You had Aragorn to hold onto.

So you traveled for days, your condition only getting worse. It didn't help that you were lost. The only hope for navigation that you had was in the stars, lighting up each night to guide you. You walked North, hoping to run into some friendly country or landmark that could give you your route home.

Eventually you ran into a thick, dark forest. It could only be Fangorn or Mirkwood. You stepped into the shelter of the trees.

More days passed, and you were relieved to have somewhat of a food source. Berries were plentiful along the bushes and fresh rivers bubbled beside you. You had also found herbs for your infected wounds. Things were starting to look up. Now, all you had to do was find your husband.

Aragorn sat, alone, in the throne room. His soldiers forced him to give up looking for you, believing it would be best for the kingdom. Resentfully, he agreed. He still kept an eye out though, but months had passed. Surely if you were alive, you would have shown up by now. The king had given up hope.

"My Lord Aragorn!" Faramir burst into the room and ran up to his throne, hastily bowing with Eowyn by his side. He looked up and smiled as Aragorn walked up to him. "You're going to want to come outside."

The King rushed outside and into the Courtyard of Stone. There, by the White Tree, you stood. Your hair was knotted, ribs showed through your torn clothes, and wounds were seen everywhere. You looked at Aragorn with dull eyes, but they renewed their shine as you gazed upon your beloved husband.

"Y/n!" Aragorn cried out in joy, rushing forwards and gently pulling you into his embrace. "I thought I had lost you."

"Not a chance," you responded with a smile. Aragorn studied you for a second before smashing his lips to yours. Passion and intensity sparked between you two, and you felt safe in the embrace you thought you would never feel again.

"I missed you," Aragorn whispered breaking the kiss. "I never wanted to give up looking."

"I'm back now," you replied in a soothing voice. Then Aragorn pushed away from you.

"You look starved!" He gazed at you, taking in every scar. Then his voice turned serious, "I recently found out that it was orcs that took you, how badly did they torture you?"

"Enough," you said, voice going flat again. You shuddered at a distant memory.

"I'll call the medics to treat you and a feast will be made in honor of your return." He gave you a smile, then another kiss.

Your wounds had been treated, you had been cleaned up of all the dirt, and your stomach was full from the first decent meal you had in months. It felt good to be back into proper clothing and much more so in the embrace of the one you loved.

"What had happened?" Aragorn asked, while you lay beside him in bed.

You shuddered, "A warg attacked my horse and knocked me unconscious. They took me far off to their camp to be tortured, but they eventually let me go. I walked the rest of the way, finally finding Fangorn and changing my path to lead me here."

"You are very brave, y/n." Aragorn turned over to face you, cupping you cheek. "I love you so much."

"Even after all this time?"

"Always," he responded, taking you into his arms. You sighed and pressed yourself closer to him. It felt nice to have someone beside you again.

You smiled, "I love you, Aragorn."

"And I, you. Goodnight." He kissed the top of your forehead. You relaxed and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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