First Kiss- Fili

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You walked a nearby forest to Erebor, stopping only to admire a nearby pond that glittered in the moonlight. Fili walked next to you, saying nothing, but his hand was clasped with yours. It was quiet and peaceful, no words needed to be said.

That feeling of serenity quickly left you when Fili let go of your hand and shoved you into the pond.

"Fili!" you gasped, spluttering out mouthfuls of water and struggling against the cold. He was doubled over laughing, his hands gripping at his sides.

"I'm sorry!" he chuckled, though with the glint in his eyes, you knew he wasn't. "I just had to!"

"No, you are not. The least you can do is help me out." You faked a pout, still working on keeping your head above water.

"Okay, okay." Fili walked over, still holding back laughter, and extended a hand. You took his it, but jerked yours backwards, your force caused Fili to fall face first into the pond. As the dwarf prince surfaced you splashed water towards him. The droplets flew through the air and splattered across his unsuspecting face.

"Oh, I am going to kill you!" Fili roared. He swam over to you, laughing, and you yelped and struggled to get away, but with no avail. Arms wrapped around you and you you were held close to his body.

"Let me go!" you squealed. Fili dunked your head into the water, you resurfaced with a gasp.

"I will let you go under one term."

"Which is?" you pried, anxious to get out of the pond.

"Kiss me." Fili looked nervous, your heart skipped a beat. You wriggled around in his arms so that you were facing him. He gave you a half smile that made your heart flutter. "I really like you, y/n," he said, probably sensing your shock. "You don't have to-" Fili slowly started to release you. You pressed your lips onto his, closing your eyes gently. Fili immediately responded and deepened the kiss.

Lost in the moment, you didn't hear the footsteps approaching. Water splashed over your head, you and Fili jerked apart, now aware of your surroundings. Kili was standing at the edge of the bank, cackling hysterically. Fili's face reddened and he released you, and quickly swam towards the shore. Blushing yourself, you headed back with him.

"I am so sorry about Kili." Fili rubbed his arm, his cheeks were still very pink.

"It's okay," you replied awkwardly.

"So, do you, want to meet each other again sometime? Hopefully without my nuisance of a brother?" There were some protests coming from Kili at that.

"Of course!" you replied. Fili gave you one last kiss and then walked off. The brothers were just starting to fade from your eyesight when you saw Fili punch Kili in the arm playfully. You heard the brothers' laughter as they chased each other out of the forest.

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