Wedding- Boromir

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Requested by: ELLIKKA

 You sat nervously while your friend, Sonja, did your hair. You elegant white dress semmed to flow like a river and stop at your toes. This is it, your wedding day! Time just couldn't get any slower though... To pass the time you decided to review your life.


"Yes, father?" You approached Aragorn cautiously.

"I need you to come with me, Elrond has called for both of us for a secret meeting." He said in a serious tone. You did not say anymore, you knew what the meeting was about, and you were still ticked when Aragorn told you that you were adopted. You had been left in the forest at the age of four, after being tortured by orcs, but being a Dunedain that was about the equivalent of the age of six months, if you were of mankind.

The meeting was surprisingly brief.It talked about the quest to destroy the ring of power... Frodo, a hobbit, stepped up to take the ring. And you were shocked to see your father, well adopted father, volenteer to help him. An elf, dwarf, and a cute man also volenteered to go. The man was Boromir, eldest son of Lord Denethor. You then blushed, realizing that a crush was forming on Boromir. You volenteered to go on the quest too.


Despite being tired for sitting so long, you had to give a little smile. If you hadn't gone on the quest, there was a chance you would be sitting here. If you hadn't gone on the quest, you wouldn't have save Boromir...


You heard the horn of Gondor echo in the distance, then the noise of sword clattering. You were so close to catching Frodo! But, if there was a fight, you had to help your friends. You sprinted through the trees and saw Boromir fighting with Merry and Pippin. But, you were a little too late. An arrow was shot and hit Boromir in the chest, a little above the heart.

"No!" You cried and surged forward, immediately finding the archer and colliding into him. You parried but soon won, beheading the orc archer. You started fighting with the other orcs, Boromir started fighting again too. You stabbed an orc in the gut. "That's for torturing me." You hissed. The beheaded another. "That's for leaving me in the forest." You killed more and more orcs, eventually Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli came and joined the battle. You noticed that Frodo and Sam were missing...

The battle was won and you were casually stepping over orcs to approach Boromir.

"Thank you, for saving me." He murmured.

"No problem, except that we have to get that arrow out." You returned. You were quick to find the herbs you needed and pulled out the arrow. Boromir quietly groaned in pain as you placed the herbs to stop the bleeding."You're lucky it was only one arrow, Boromir." You whispered, hands lingering on his chest. You seemed to understand what you were doing and started to pull your hands away, only to have them caught by Boromir's. You looked up to see his deep brown eyes were staring intently at you. "Boromir-" You sighed.

"Y/n, I really am glad you saved me. And- and I don't care what the rest of the Fellowship thinks, but I love you." Boromir said quickly. You opened your mouth to say something, but Boromir bent his head down and gave you a soft kiss on the lips.

You could only stand there shocked, but soon melted into the kiss. Boromir wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you closer. You shifted so your hands were placed upon his chest. All the sounds around you stopped, time itself seemed to stop. You could feel the sun's heat fill your heart, you could feel the softness of Boromir's robes against your skin...

"Y/N!" Aragorn's stern voice jolted you into the present. You and Boromir pulled apart, too soon.

"Yes, Father?"


At last Sonja was done with your hair, you stood up and slid on your boots. The door opened and revealed Aragorn, now King of Gondor, standing there. He was dressed in his armor, crown sitting proudly on his head.

"You look beautiful, y/n." He said, though you saw tears in his eyes. You and Aragorn had grown close during and after the journey, you were glad you could call him your father. Aragorn took your hand and walked you down to the stone courtyard, the Tree of Kings was in full bloom and just beyond that was Boromir. Your heart fluttered once you saw him, the crowds seemed to disappear. It felt like you weren't even at Minas Tirith, it felt like you were high up in the sky and the only people there were you and Boromir.

At last you reached the alter, were Aragorn placed your hand onto Boromir's. You two then looked up at Gandalf, who was residing over the ceremony.

"You look gorgeous, y/n." Boromir whispered under his breath.

"You look handsome too, Boromir." You replied.

"Do you remember when we first met?" He whispered.

"I remember it as clear as the day you proposed to me." You sighed. The day Boromir proposed to you had to be one of the best day of your life...


The quest had been completed, it was now the coronation day of your father, Aragorn. You stood, proudly, next to him as Gandalf put the gleaming crown on his head and Aragorn started singing the traditional song. Gandalf then held up another crown, it was simple and pretty, he then placed it on your head and coronated you as Princess of Gondor. You and Aragorn walked down the courtyard and people bowed to you as you past. But then you reached Boromir...

"All hail the King and Princess." He said loudly and cheerfully. The crowd responded but then he stepped forward and grabbed your hand. "Y/N, I could never be more proud of you. You look as gorgeous as the day we first met."

"Thank you Boromir-" But you were cut of by shock and realization when Boromir got down on one knee and kneeled before you.

"Y/N, you have saved my life multiple times, and I owe you an endless gratitude. I can't think of anyone other than you that I would spend the rest of my life with. Will you marry me?"


"Do you, Boromir son of Denethor, take y/f/n to be your loving wife?" Gandalf's voice rang.

"I do." Boromir replied loudly and strongly.

"Do you, y/fn, take Boromir to be your loving husband?" Gandalf then asked you. You looked at Boromir and saw nerves flicker in his eyes.

"I do." You laughed.

"Then you may kiss the bride!" Boromir gently reached out and took you chin. He bent down and gave you a passionate kiss that melted your heart the same way that it did on your first kiss. The crowd roared but you could barely hear them, all that mattered was just you and Boromir.

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