Im So, So Sorry- Legolas

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"You got extra arrows? Knives? Did you pack your sword?" Legolas nagged.

"Yes, Legolas." You rolled your eyes. You were leaving to sign a peace and trade treaty with Gondor. Legolas would have gone but he had to attend a counsel with the delegates from Rivendell and Lorien, so you volunteered. After all, you were his wife and captain of the Royal Guard. "I even packed extra provisions and medical supplies."

"Good," he said tautly. "Don't forget to ride hard."

"I won't. I love you," you replied warmly, leaning down from your horse to give him a kiss.

"I love you, too." He smiled up at you. You spurred your horse and quickly made for Minas Tirith.

You knew Legolas was right about the weapons. Ever since the Ring was destroyed, orcs scattered. They were slowly but surely rebuilding Mordor and becoming more violent. Many kingdoms noticed this behavior and started recruiting more warriors. You, in fact, were in charge of training these knew warriors for the Woodland Realm. Thranduil, wanted to keep his kingdom safe. When Aragorn suggested the treaty, he was quick to agree.

You got to Minas Tirith with no delay. 

The ceremony was short and you read the treaty. Fairly simple, as Legolas described, no tricks or faulty words that could get Mirkwood in debt. You soon signed your name and readied to head back home.

Your horse raced across the plains and towards the your borders. His hooves barely seemed to touch the ground. All was looking well until an arrow whizzed in front of your forehead. Your attention snapped into focus and you urged your horse faster. 

Drawing your bow you scanned the clearing. A faint shadow moved by the forest, you released the arrow and a wail of an orc soon followed. Orcs, angered by the death, charged into sight, launching more arrows at you.

Your horse was struck and you tumbled down and rolled across the grass. Orcs lunged at you, but you stabbed one with your arrow then used it to shoot another. More and more orcs seemed to appear in your sight line. You grabbed your horn and blew into it, the woody sound echoing down the plains. You had to keep fighting until help came. You pulled out your knives and threw them at the heads of the advancing enemies.

The orcs grew closer and closer, you were soon out of knives and went back to arrows. But an orc in the background, out of your sight, raised his bow and his arrow struck you in the gut. You whimpered, yet released another arrow and hit the bow-orc in the heart. You pulled out your sword and aimed blows at the orcs that came near you. 

You were completely surrounded. It your last battle, unless help came.

But reinforcements were far off, they had not heard the sound of the horn echo through the dense trees of Mirkwood. You would go down fighting, at least it was an honorable death.

Your blows weakened as swords were jabbed at you, creating a slice across your cheek and multiple wounds on your arms. You parried back and forth across the meadow. Blood was splattered on the green grass. 

Then giants appeared. 

Multiple giants, big and burly, and fully trained. They lobbed spears at you, which you dodged. But each movement sent a pain from where the arrow pierced you. The orcs left to leave the giants to do their work.

You jumped onto the back of one, which another stupidly launched his spear at- leading to a quick death. You slid triumphantly from the back of dead giant and advanced on another. 

Knocking an arrow you aimed for a giant's heart and successfully hit your target. You reached back for another and realized you had ran out. You would have to do this hand in hand.

Unfortunately, you lost, you had killed all but one. Who jabbed his spear between your ribs after you threw your sword and hit him in the head- he had enough strength before he died. 

You had won the battle, but you fell backwards. Blood dripping from your various wounds. Your body was battered, but at least the orcs were gone. Your kingdom was defended from what would have been an attack.

 'I'm so, so sorry, Legolas.'  You wanted to cry out but you couldn't breathe. Blood was coating your throat, causing you to choke painfully from where you stood. You were getting light-headed and your vision was fuzzy. You sunk to your knees and blacked out entirely.

Legolas' Pov:

Y/N had not returned yet.

 I had sent a rider to Gondor to see if she was still there, but he came back saying that she had left Gondor days ago. At that, I quickly mounted my horse and went to search for her.

Heading the way I told her to go, I found nothing.

Then I decided to check the fast way back to Mirkwood. That's where I saw her horse laying in grass that was littered with orc bodies. I gasped and dismounted my own steed.

Her horse was hit by arrows- as it fell Y/n must have been vaulted off it's back towards the west... Then there were footsteps heading to the east. I followed them, finding more bodies on the way.

I neared a sheltered alcove that I knew lead to a meadow. Black blood was splattered everywhere, then I saw some red blood mixed. She was injured! I looked up and continued to track her every step. More orcs dead, then some giants were mixed into the body count. That's when I saw her. She was lying facing the opposite direction of me.

"Y/N! Mellon, are you okay?" I ran up to her. But choked at the sight, tears streamed down my cheeks. 

She was... dead. Impaled by a spear with cuts everywhere. Sobbing, I fell to my knees and held her in my arms. "Y/n, please, no! Wake up!" I knew it was helpless, she was already cold and bloodless. Carefully, I took out the spear and straightened her clothes. I picked her up and walked back to my horse.

She was dead, I couldn't believe it.

As I arrived back at the kingdom, the voices hushed. Heads turned and mouths were left agape at the prince and his fallen bride.

No husband should ever carry his dead wife back home, and bury her, then live on for thousands of years knowing he can't get to her until his time comes.

Oh, Y/n... I'm so, so sorry.

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