Battle of the Five Armies- Fili

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The bell gave a mighty toll and broke through the wall of stone like water through a dam. You were running alongside the Company before it stopped swinging. The Battle of the Five Armies raged on in front of you. Dwarves cheered for the arrival of King Thorin.

As you collided with orcs and goblins, the other kingdoms rallied behind you. With the new spark of hope, the battle was going smoothly.

Or so you thought.

You had been fighting with Fili at your back. In the midst of all the action, the two of you were separated. You were forced further away from your comrade. Soon enough you were surrounded by orcs.

Exhausted, yet determined, you tried to fight your way out. It was will no avail. They outnumbered you. The orcs gnashed their teeth; their eyes glinted with malice. You knew you needed help, otherwise, you would never get out of this battle alive.

"Fili!" you cried out. He didn't respond.

"Dwarf-scum!" One of the orcs yelled at you. "You're all alone." The group started closing in on you. You lunged at the closest on and attempted once again to escape.

You shouted louder this time. "Fili! Help me!"

"Y/N!" Fili's voice rang out. You glanced up, eyes darting in the direction of his voice. Though you paused only for a second, an orc jabbed a cleaver through your gut. You gasped, momentarily shocked. It didn't take long for you to feel the pain.

Fili cut through the jeering circle surrounding you. "No!" He fought off the others and called for help. A couple dwarves shuffled over, allowing Fili the cover to drop to his knees and cradle you in his arms.

"It's okay. I will be fine," you rasped, barely getting the words out. You felt the life drain out with every drop of blood. The pain threatened to knock you unconscious. "Don't worry about me. They need you Fili."

"No! I won't leave you-- and you can't leave me!" He must have noticed you drifting away. "Please, don't. Stay with me, Y/n. I love you!" He started crying then.

"It will be okay. It's all right," you soothed. "I love you, too."

The fighting continued around you. Kili shot down an orc that had been attempting to kill Fili. The others still guarded you as well. "Go. They need you. They need your courage."

You had moments left. You reached up, brushed away his tears, and traced the lines of his beard. He grasped that hand. "I'm staying with you," he murmured. "I'll be here until you are sleeping."

Fili's lips drifted over your forehead, pressing the lightest of kisses to it. You sighed gratefully and let your heavy eyelids close.

Bofur's POV:

The company was smaller than usual, standing on the ice. Thorin lay motionless with Bilbo crying at his side. It was too much. I wondered if the rest were okay.

Leaving, it didn't take long to find Kili. And then Fili-- his eyes still open. I knelt by his side, placing his sword over his chest and crossing his arms over it. I closed his eyes and for it moment, it looked as if he were sleeping.

I would have to tell Y/n of his death.

I swallowed my emotions and shook my head, walking down Raven Hill, starting the search for Y/n. But then I saw her, laying far away from the fallen bodies of dwarves, elves, and orcs. Her arms were folded across her chest and her hands grasped her sword, just like how I had left Fili.

Someone must have dragged her away from the battle. It could have only been him.

At least the two would be joined once more in death.

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