Snap Out of It- Thorin

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You and the Company had gotten the mountain back and Smaug was finally gone! But something came over Thorin, something dangerous, something sickening. No doubt it was the same sickness his grandfather had. You were worried for Thorin as no one had ever overcome it: Dragon Sickness.

"You will not rest until the stone is found!" He ordered. Your fingers ached from digging through the piles of gold. Your hands were blistered.

"We can't keep doing this!" you yelled back at Thorin. "You have been pushing us for days to do your will! If this stone means so much to you, them why don't you find it yourself?"

"You dare you defy me!" he raged, rushing down the steps. Thorin harshly grabbed your shoulders. The rest of the Company turned and stared. "Isn't anyone here willing to do their King's work?" He turned to the other dwarves, who looked away with guilt and began sorting again. You could tell they were still listening and ready to jump in and help if need be. Thorin pushed you away, turning his back to walk to the Throne Room.

"You've changed, Thorin!" you shouted. "And not for the better. This is not the dwarf I used to know."

Thorin rolled his eyes and grunted. You continued, "I would've followed you to the death, Thorin! Doesn't our friendship mean anything to you?"

Thorin looked shocked, but the expression in his eyes were pushed away by anger. Your words hung heavily in the air, so bitter you could almost taste them.

"I recruited you because you were loyal." He flung the words at you. "If you have lost those traits, then get out, I don't need useless, hot-headed dwarves in my kingdom."

"And I said yes because I believed you were strong." Anger welled inside you. "It seems that you have lost that quality. So, fine, I will go. But let me say one last thing, if you ever snap out of this greed and see what has become of you, don't come crying to me." You spat the last words. Thoring raised his hand and slapped you across the face.

"Oi!" Ori shouted. You rubbed the spot where his hand came across your face and were surprised to feel wet, sticky blood in its spot.

"I'm fine." You sighed, signalling the other dwarves to stand down.

"Get out of here," Thorin growled.

"You don't have to ask me twice." With that you gathered your things and headed towards the barricaded enterance.

"You can't leave because of Thorin's madness." Fili came up to you. "We need you."

"And I need to teach him a lesson." You sigh. "It seems that I best clear out for my safety, too." You pointed to the cut alongside your face.

"Don't worry, I will help him snap out of it," Fili promised. "At least I will try."

"Thank you. I won't be far."

"Good luck out there." You swung your leg over the wall and grabbed the rope, sliding down until your feet touched solid ground. You set off and headed towards Dale, where Bard set up camp.

Back in Erebor, Thorin overcame his sickness.

"Oh, Y/n, what have I done? I need you."

You were true to your word and you never really left; you came with Bard's army, ready to fight alongside the King of Erebor.

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