Family Lies- Fili

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Requested by: ginger300

This is going to be a longer one! Yay! (I think...)

"Come, Y/n!" Your older brother, Legolas, shouted. "The patrol has spotted more spiders heading towards the Woodland Realm!" You sprinted through the forest, matching pace with Legolas.

"What is with all the spider sightings?" You shot a worried glance to your brother. He only shrugged and drew his bow, the sound of fighting echoing ahead. "Wait!" You shouted to your brother ahead. The fighting didn't sound right. There was rough, husky voices yelling commands and the sound of... axes? Elves were normally pretty quiet while fighting, the only noises to be heard was the sound of swords being drawn and the whoosh of an arrow being released.

"What is it?"

"Dwarves." You replied, the word thick on your tongue. Why would dwarves even come near Mirkwood if it wasn't for war? You grit your teeth and ran on, Legolas following suit.

Arriving to the clearing you found that you were right, though the dwarves were battling the spiders. You glanced over to your brother, waiting for a command.

"Kill the spiders, we can take the dwarves as hostages. Since there are so few, they might not be here for battle." He drew an arrow and fired at the nearest spider, hitting his target the spider died immediately. You knocked an arrow and aimed, noticing a golden-haired dwarf was about to be attacked from the behind, then fired. You killed your target and the dwarf turned, locking eyes with you. Your breath hitched, he looked nothing like the tales of dwarves described him like.

The screech of a spider caused you to turn and leap into action. Soon another patrol of elves joined the fight, you saw your friend, Tauriel, fighting in the distance.

By now the enemies were all dead and you watched as the dwarves were pinned to a circle.

"Do not think I wont kill you, dwarf." Legolas had his arrow pinned at the one who looked like the leader. "It would be my pleasure."

More elves circled the dwarves, bows drawn. The dwarves started shouting in retaliation then the one you locked eyes with turned and his eyes widened.

"Kili!" You were standing in the distance so you saw one being dragged off by a spider, two more following. Leaping to action, you jumped onto the two approaching spiders, drawing your sword and stabbing them until they were dead. Finally, you shot the one attacking 'Kili' and he looked up at you, surprised. You heard a spider coming up behind you and you went in, once again, into battle.

"Throw me your dagger!" Kili yelled. You listened and heard another eight-legged creature scuttle into the clearing. "Quick!"

"You think I'm giving you a weapon, dwarf, you are mistaken." You killed the spider you were dueling and launched your knife behind you and turned, both spiders dead.

"Search them!" You brother ordered.

Time skip brought to you by Frigga's drapes. Yes, mother doesth know I weareth her drapes.

You walked down to the jail cells, the leading dwarf, Thorin, had given some information to your father, but not enough.

You scanned the cells to be met by a pair of familiar blue-grey eyes.

"Dwarf." You stood in front of the cell. "What is your name?"

"Fili, at yer service." There was a flirtatious tone in his voice.

"What is your purpose here in Mirkwood?"

"I just wanted to thank you for saving my brother. You handle yourself in battle well." You felt a blush rise up in your cheeks but you pushed it away.

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