By the Sword- Eomer

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"Citizens of Rohan!" King Eomer shouted out. "Now is the time to protect your homes, battle for your loved ones, and defend all you hold dear. Ride now! Ride to defend your home! Ride with me!" Eomer spurred his horse and everyone charged forwards. You thundered out of the kingdom on your horse, dodging boulders launched by giants.

You crashed into the line of orcs, the strength of your horse pushing them down. You drew your spear and jabbed at the advancing enemies.

It was hard fighting when you couldn't let anyone see you. Women were forbidden to go into battle and you were Eomer's daughter. He would be infuriated if he found out you had been fighting; Your mother had died when you were at a young age and you had no other siblings. Your father always wanted to keep you safe in case something happened to him in battle.

Though, you couldn't stand waiting inside the halls while he was out there. You hated being helpless. You didn't fear death by the sword, all you wanted was to help your people and your father.

Men and orcs fell all around you, screeching and wails filled the air and the stench of blood hung heavy in the air. The orcs outnumbered you, it was too late to call upon Gondor for help. By the time Aragorn's army came, the fighting would be over.

You sighed heavily, you looked over to find Eomer. You saw him, still on his horse, slashing the stomach of a giant. You swelled with pride. Your father, the king of Rohan, was a great fighter. But all crumbled when another giant advanced on him and he was knocked backwards and landed heavily against a rock. His sword fell and clattered against the ground, he could only lay there, dazed.

You spurred your horse towards him, but an arrow struck his leg. You tumbled off his back. You had to reach Eomer by foot...

Not taking your eyes off of your father, you cut through the orcs.

The giant raised his long sword...

and struck.

The agonized shout of your father burst through the air. Men turned and stared in horror and you wailed. More desperate then ever you pushed through the men and orcs and stepped over the bodies that littered the ground. You stepped up and challenged the giant, removing your helmet and let your hair tumble down- showing the uncanny resemblance to your aunt. Around you the men gasped, you, the princess of Rohan, challenging a giant.

You parried and threw blows at each other. The fighting stopped around you, just to watch. Then, with talent of an elf, you jumped up onto the back of your attacker. You jabbed your spear into his throat, then jumped off. The giant crashed down with a thud. The orcs wailed and scattered. The battle had been won.

You turned back to Eomer.

"Father!" you cried. He was gasping and pale. He wouldn't make it.

"Your mother would be proud," he rasped, "Its a shame she wasn't here to see you grow up into a fine warrior." He smiled a bit, and a tear trailed down your nose.

"Please, don't go." Sobs racked your body.

"Y/n," Eomer gasped, "you will be a fine Queen." Then his eyes dulled, and a last sigh escaped his body. The King of Rohan, lay dead on the battle field.

"All hail the King!" a horseman called out.

"All hail the Queen!" called another.

You stood at the tomb of your father. You had sent out notes to Eowyn and Aragorn notifying them of the recent events. Your coronation would be next week.

Inside the kingdom the feast of victory was going on. But you heard no singing or laughter. Your kingdom was safe, at a high price. You brushed away your tears, then turned back to the castle. Your black dress trailing behind you.

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