You Can't Leave Me This Way- Fili

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You stormed out of Erebor, fuming. You and your best friend, Fili, had just gotten into a major fight. To put it lightly, you were pretty pissed. You didn't care that the guards protested against you going out so soon to sunset, you just needed to get out and get some air.

You didn't know where you were going, you just let your feet guide you somewhere. While walking, you looked up to the sky. You watched as it slowly faded from red, to purple, to black. The stars slowly sparkled out and brightened the dark sea of the sky. 

Sighing, you sat down in the grass, that was slowly swaying with the wind. Somehow you were past Dale and on the edge of a forest, but you didn't care, it was very peaceful. At least you got time to think...


"Fili! Why can't I make my own decisions for once!" you yelled, anger surging through your veins.

"Because I don't want you to get hurt, Y/n!" He yelled back with the same intensity.

"Thorin chose me to scout out the orcs with a hunting party. Thorin! The King! This was my one chance to prove myself and of course you had to ruin it! If you wanted to protect me, why couldn't you just ask to go too? If I defied my orders, I could have been killed." You clenched your hand into a fist, all your life you wanted a chance to prove yourself, to be looked up upon and have your talents desired. You had been called fat, ugly, and worthless. You weren't worthless! You knew it. 

When Thorin finally recognized your skill and chose you to go out that night to help him protect the kingdom, you were beyond excited. Then, of course, Fili ruined it. "This was my chance to have someone appreciate my talents! Who knows, maybe the comments people say behind my back would stop?"

"Y/n, I-"

"I just can't believe you, Fili! Maybe if you stop thinking about yourself so much you would actually think about others and their feelings." You turned sharply on your heel and stormed to the gates of Erebor. You didn't hear Fili mutter "I stopped you because I love you," before you were out the doors.


Maybe Fili was just trying to help, maybe he actually was trying to keep you safe. You overreacted. That's what you decided: You had overreacted and now you need to apologize to him.


You sighed. Fili with his cute blond braids, nice beard, muscular form. He had been your friend and supporter for many years... You loved Fili. 

You had never felt so guilty before. By now, Fili would be worried sick. He would be looking for you.

 You looked back at the sky, the crescent moon was now at it's highest point. It would be wise to go home.  You quickly stood up, which was a mistake. Blackness clouded your vision and you stumbled to regain your balance after the dizziness faded.

But in the distance, a twig snapped.

You jumped, still a little hazy. Your sword was at the ready, but the sound could have been anything.  You desperately tried reassuring yourself, that the twig snapping was just a bird or rabbit. Unfortunately, two glowing eyes appeared from the dark tangles of branches...

You cursed under your breath as a warg stepped into the grassy meadow. You glanced at your sword in your hand, it was either fight or flee. The warg would catch up to you, but there was a chance you could make it somewhat to Dale...

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