I promised- Oakensheild Family

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This story was requested by: ThoraOakenshield


"I want all three of you back." Your mother, Dis, looked sternly at you and your brothers.

"Yes, mother," All three of you responded. Fili, your oldest brother looked impatient to leave. The Shire was a long ways away.

"And listen to your uncle! Thorin has his mind set on this journey. And if all goes well, who knows, you could be future Kings... or queen." Dis smiled and looked at you. You were twins with Fili, though Fili was a bit older. She was right, if something happened to Fili and Thorin, well, you would be Queen of Erebor. But you pushed that thought away, you didn't want anything to happen to your brother... Durin's beard, you didn't want anything to happen to any of your family members!

"Kili, this is for you, as a promise to come home." Your mother handed a polished stone to Kili, it had engravings on them but Kili put it away before you could read what it said.

"We should go," Fili said and stepped forward to give Dis a hug and Kili did the same. They started heading out of your little cottage, then turned back, waiting for you.


"Wait just a minute," your mother answered for you. She lowered her voice."Y/n, I want you to promise me something."

"Yes, Mother?"

"Protect them. Don't let anything happen to them. And come home too."

"I promise."


You had kept for promise. It had been cut close when Kili was shot in the leg by a poisonous arrow, but all worked out well in the end, thanks to Tauriel. You had mixed feelings for Tauriel, she being an elf and having a relationship with your younger brother... But you knew she would help you protect Kili.

But now, standing guard at the makeshift stone wall in Erebor made you feel like your promise was shattered. Thorin had gotten over his dragon sickness, and it was time to face down the armies of Azog. But you would die for your brothers... You wouldn't let down your mother... It was time to step into battle.

*Time Skip*

You and Bilbo desperately tried to run up the mountain, you had overheard Legolas and Tauriel talking to Thranduil. It was a trap. You had to get to your brothers! They had rode up to Ravenhill to find Azog, but they didn't know the army of Gundabad orcs would attack...

You gasped and reached the top of the rocky hill, to find it was already too late. Horns of the Gundabad blew in the distance as Bilbo tried to convince Thorin to leave. You got into your fighting stance, ready to leap into battle (again) in case orcs came running from the tunnels. But it was already too late, Azog dragged Fili out to a broken rooftop...

"No!" You gasped and ran off to the steps, your twin would die in the hands of Azog if you didn't do something. As you made your way towards the top you could hear Azog speaking.

"This one dies first. Then, the female twin,-" You flushed with anger, "Then the brother,-" You were so close to the top! "Then you, Oakensheild. You will die last." His snarled tone seemed to crackle with evil pleasure.

"No! Run!" Fili shouted out, his voice thick with fear. Your heart seemed to stop moving at his agonized plea. But you were at the top, right as Azog lifted his sword arm to plunge it into Fili's gut...

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