Arranged- Legolas

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Told in pieces...

Arranged marriage.

The words echoed through your head.

Arranged marriage since birth.

"May I know his name?" you asked, voice wavering. You didn't like this. You didn't want this.

Your father sighed, showing no sympathy towards you. "He is Legolas Thranduilion, Prince of the Woodland Realm."


The ride to Mirkwood was too fast, in your opinion. You would have liked to stall, perhaps see the sights you never got to see. Your father was on a deadline, however. 

The moment you entered the dying forest you felt the heaviness loom over you. You were used to feeling the golden glow of the sun through the branches of evergreen leaves. You liked the smell and feel of fresh air. You woke every morning to birdsong and the echo of singing drifting through the tall Lorien trees.

This forest- It was full of sickness and decay. There were no animals rustling about and the path was old and unkempt. You tugged at your hood and hoped that the interior beauty of the Woodland Realm would make up for it.


"Princess Y/n, Lady of the Stars, daughter of Celeborn." You were announced at the end of a great hall. You saw a mighty throne who sat an intimidating elf, King Thranduil. Your breath hitched upon realization that you would be married into one of the most powerful families known throughout Middle Earth.

Nevertheless, your handmaiden sent you an encouraging look. You walked down the wooden pathway and met the gaze of a second elf who stood by the throne. He was tall as a young willow, he had dark blue eyes, and golden hair. He could only be Legolas.

"My Lord Thranduil," you greeted the king.

"This is my son," he said without a moment's delay. "Legolas of the Woodland Realm."


It was days before your wedding and your anxiety was growing. You barely knew Legolas. The only time you had seen him was the day you first met.

He seemed... intimidating, just as his father. But his eyes held a little more warmth. Maybe you would grow to become friends someday.

But what did he think of you?

You shook your head and grabbed your bow; One of the few possessions you brought with you. You ran out to the forest and took a deep breath. You were getting used to the heaviness- but you weren't used to looking at the stars from a different angle.

You nocked an arrow and pulled back on the bowstring.

Everything would turn out okay, you told yourself.

You let the arrow fly.



You were married and you had no idea what to do. 

It seemed Legolas thought the same as you.

Would you have to have sex with him?

Stars above! You shuddered. Surely that wasn't required..? Hopefully...

"I-" He started to speak. It was his first direct word towards you that wasn't a marriage vow.

"He speaks," you chuckled.

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