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"-Do I have to go through this all by myself again too?" I commented earning wide eyes from Jungkook who stood there speechless by my words. "W-What did you say??" he asked with a low voice and I could tell he was upset with what I had said but I formed my hands into fists while locking eyes with him. "Why do you always do this Jungkook? It seems like whenever something happens to you.. to us.. you always choose to push me away and try to handle everything on your own. Its like the only opinion that matters if yours! I hate to break it to you but theres two people when it comes to being in a relationship! Which means two opinions and two thoughts! If your the one always deciding what to do whenever these situations happen then whats the point of me being in the picture?!"

He was completely shocked with what I had just said. Tears threatening to escape my eyes I shook my head while pointing towards the door. "Please leave.." but he stood there like a statue. "Jungkook please leave.. if you have nothing to say then just leave me alone." It seemed like the more he stood there not wanting to move the more it felt like I was breaking on the inside. If he wasnt going to leave then I was..

Grabbing my jacket and bag I made my way to the door. "W-Where are you going??" "Is that any of your business Jungkook? I told you to leave and yet your still here... if your not leaving then I will." Quickly slipping my shoes on and heading out the door I rushed towards the elevator and got in while pressing the main floor button multiple times before Jungkook could even think about getting in here. Once I got onto the main floor I ran out of the apartment building and just began to walk down the busy streets of Seoul just hoping to get away from him. 

(Why the hell was he even at my place to begin with? Why the hell was he angry... I was giving him what he wanted! I gave him space.. I stopped asking him all those 'annoying' questions that he hated. I stopped dropping by his work during lunch. I stopped everything because I thought that was what he wanted... so why is he acting like this?!)  While deep in my thoughts... I saw a bright light shining at the corner of my eye along with the sound of a loud horn.... 

Jungkook POV
Once she walked out, I stood there frozen before snapping back to reality realizing what just happened. She was right about everything.. and this just brought back horrible memories from when I pushed Y/n away during the whole Minji situation. Booking it out of her apartment I took the stairs (Cos fuck elevators... especially when your on the top floor. They take too long... plus its easier going down the stairs instead of up.) 

Once I ran out of the building I ran towards the streets and began to look everywhere for Y/n until I was able to spot her in the distance. "Y-Y/n!" I yelled out her name trying to get her attention but it seemed like she was either ignoring me or just couldnt hear me. As I began to push my way through the crowd and getting closer and closer to her.. I didnt know what came over me but I could care less about what other people thought of me. Just wanting to get to her I began to shove and yeet people away, she was right there... I was so close until I heard the sound of a car horn fill my ears.

Eyes going wide open I lunged myself forward and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her back before she could get hit. The sound of people gasping while people starting flipping off the driver for recklessly driving I couldnt help but tremble at the thought of Y/n almost being hit. With my whole body shaking I gripped her body tighter in my arms. "J-Jungkook..." her voice almost immediately calmed me down once hearing it. Feeling her shift around in my arms she turned to face me while tears flowed down from both of our faces. 

Seeing her crying because of me... I hated it. I hated how stupid I am whenever it comes to stupid things like this. I hate how I always hurt her in the end.. when will I ever learn from my mistakes?! "IM SORRY!" I yelled while bringing her closer to my chest. I didnt care about the strangers that looked at us.. I knew that if I let go of her right now.. she would walk away. "IM SORRY... IM SORRY.. IM SO SO SO FUCKING SORRY Y/N... IM SO STUPID, I HATE MYSELF.. IM A COMPLETE LOSER" I ranted while knowing that I was wetting her shoulder. Feeling her tears wet my shirt she gently pushed away before we locked eyes with each other. 

"You are a complete and utter loser Jungkook, you keep pushing me away thinking thats the only option you have but WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THINGS TOGETHER NOT INDIVIDUALLY. You need to trust me more... and if were going to make things right and keep going strong then I need you to understand that." I nodded my head while scrunching my face trying not to cry even more which caused her to lightly giggle. "For some reason.. seeing you like this reminds me that I could never come to hate you.. maybe a little but not completely." 

"So does this mean were okay?" I muttered and she simply nodded before grabbing my earlobe and pinching it hard causing me to wince in pain. "Ne, but if you pull that shit out of your ass again... just know, Yeonjun and Jihoon watched a lot of murder videos, im pretty sure they know how to handle and discard bodies without being caught.." 

Sending chills down my spine she laughed before saying that it was a joke..

But was it really....




who knows?

(A/N: Its currently 2 a.m. where I live and I currently cant sleep LMAO SO HERES A LITTLE UPDATE!)

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