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(3 months later)

Jungkook POV
"I didnt know planning for that would take so much time and effort.." Jimin hyung commented while plopping himself down on my office couch. I chuckled while sitting behind my desk "Well yeah hyung.. I do want everything to be perfect, I want to make sure that nothing goes wrong. One slip up and everything will be ruined!" Suddenly hearing a knock come from the door we both looked and saw Soonyoung hyung standing there with a smile on his face. "Nothing will be ruined if there is a small slip up.. dont worry too much Kook. But! did you figure out when your going to be doing that?"

I smiled while nodding "Ne... I thought about it for awhile now and the original plan wasnt that realistic, plus im impatient. So I was going to do it this weekend." His eyes went wide but not with shock, but with excitement at the news. "JINJJA?!?! WAHHH! KOOK! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" "Thanks hyung.. but that also reminds me... you have to be there! I want not only Y/ns friends and family to be there but mine too."


"Y/n its almost the big-" "Y/N MINGYU HAS A HORRIBLE PAIN.. DO YOU HAVE PEPTO?" Shooting my head over at the two males who stood in front of my classroom I furrowed my brows while eyeing the two suspiciously. "Uhmm.. yeah I do." Reaching into my bag and taking out the pill bottle I threw it towards Jihoon who caught it and shoved it into Mingyus hands before dragging the larger male away. (Whats up with them...??) Shaking my head and turning back to my work, about another hour later Jihoon and Mingyu came walking into my classroom.

"Hmm?? hows your stomach Mingyu??" I asked while looking at the male who looked as if he just dropped the atomic bomb into the toilet. "A-Ah... haha... better. M-My stomach has been feeling bad lately." I nodded my head "Ahh... I see, well you could keep the pills I have my own." "T-Thanks.." Sending him a smile I looked over at Jihoon who was glaring at Mingyu "Jihoon.. why are you sending daggers at Mingyu?? did you two get into a fight or something? I feel this weird atmosphere" Jihoon suddenly had a bright smile on his face before shaking his head. "Ani! everything is fine.. its just that Mingyu here has been speaking his mind lately and i've been trying to make sure he doesnt do that anymore since he could say some stupid stuff."

Raising a brow I didnt really believe it but I shrugged my shoulder not really thinking much about it since its between the two of them and not me. "Anyways! Y/n.. are you busy this Saturday?" the shorter male questioned but I simply shook my head "Ani, I dont think I am?? I mean I was probably just going to lounge in my apartment and binge watch romance anime until the next day since its a long weekend. Why? do you want to do something?"

Jihoon nodded with excitement before replying "Ne! since its the long weekend I was thinking that the three of us could go to Jeju for a small weekend getaway!" "Jeju?? hmm... I dont know, I kind of wanted to just watch Yona of the Dawn and Kimi ni Todoke.." he gave me an 'are you serious' look and I put both my hands up to defend myself "What?! could you blame me? Jihoon... were talking about HAK AND RYU HERE. What made you two want to go to Jeju all of a sudden?" "Well because during long weekends or holidays we never do anything. Its been how many years and we always stay here in Seoul.. why dont we go explore?"

"Explore? why dont we go to like Greece or something then? wouldnt it be better than just Jeju?" "Nope! We just want to go to Jeju since it wont be a long flight, dont you hate being on a plane for hours??" Thinking about it I nodded agreeing with them "That is true.. I do hate being on a plane for so long.." taking another few seconds to think I then gave in to their suggestion. "Arasseo, lets go to Jeju this weekend. Should we all bu-" "Mingyu already purchased the tickets so you dont have to worry, just transfer him the money"

"Eh??! Mingyu you bought the tickets already?! what if I said no?!" they both chuckled before shooting me a serious look "Even if you said no we would kidnap you and bring you..."

"Oh... you both would be the type to do such a thing huh?"

(3 days later - Friday)

Jungkook POV
"The box! where is the box! I cant forget the box!" I yelled while running around the house trying to look for the specific item. "Kook??" "Not now hyung I have to find the box!" "Kook." "hyung.. I said not now! I have to-" "KOOK!" "Hyung did you not hear me I said I have to look for-" Pausing I looked at Namjoon and Yoongi hyung as they stood there pointing in a certain direction. Following their eyes I looked at my back pocket and saw the small white box peeking out. Sighing in relief Jin hyung grabbed the box from me and put it in his bag. "I will hold onto this until tomorrow Kook.. Right now we have to get to the airport. Where is Taewoo??"

"RIGHT HERE~" the small voice chimed jumping from the bottom steps of the stairs while Tae was right behind him carrying his bags. "Appa! Are you excited? I know I am! Does that mean Miss Y/n is going to be my new Eomma?!" he asked with sparkling eyes while holding onto my pants. Looking down at him I smiled brightly while ruffling his hair "Ne, only if she says yes. though Taewoo, if she says no-" "Appa... why do you think Miss Y/n would say no?!" I raised a brow looking at him as she gave me a small smirk.

"Appa, I know your a bit weird sometimes but I know that Miss Y/n will say yes" Laughing at his words we soon left the house and went to the airport where we met up with Jimin, Hobi hyung, Jiwoo noona at the terminal. Going through everything we were finally on the plane taking off to Jeju. During the flight I texted Jihoon asking where they were and was told that they were already in Jeju checking into the hotel that they were staying at.

"Is Miss Y/n already there??" Taewoo asked while looking at my phone, nodding in response I then got another text from Hyunjin letting me know that they (Hyunjin, Yeonjun and Sungmin) were going to be arriving around 6 in the evening. Just thinking about the whole plan made me get excited, feeling my palms go sweaty a smile took over my lips as I began to rehearse what I would be saying to her tomorrow.

(Tomorrow... tomorrow is the big day..)

(A/N: OooOooO I hope you are all excited about the next chapter because I am! LMAO Anyways I just wanted to let you all know that this book will be coming to an end very soon. Please dont be sad! HAHA I will do a some little special time skip chapters so yeah! Anyways I will talk to you all again in the next one!)

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