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Y/n Pov
Leaving the classroom I entered the schools garden wanting to be alone and get some fresh air until I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. Thinking it was Jihoon or Jungkook I smiled while turning around but that smile I had quickly turned into a frown. "Why did you follow me Jongin..." I questioned glaring at the male. Watching him put his hands into his pocket he smirked "what? Is it wrong for me to talk to you??" Sighing I crossed my arms "Its wrong to follow someone... now what do you want... honestly. Im getting sick and tired of you always bothering me." 

"Y/n I just wanted to have a normal talk with you. Why are you getting so upset? Oh is it about what happened between the two of us a few years b-" "Dont fucking bring that up right now Jongin. Just stop bringing it up!" His smirk stayed on his face as he began to walk closer to me "You know Y/n... I honestly thought you would have been broken when I left you but here you are teaching my daughter. Feels like fate has brought us together, dont you think?" Rolling my eyes I scoffed at his comment. "Fate??? please. Stop spouting nonsense and tell me what you really want to talk about." "Want me to be honest??" I nodded my head. 

"I want you back" 

(What?!?) Eyes widening at his words I scrunched up my face and took a step away from him. "Bullshit" I commented. But he continued to speak "Y/n I love you... please come back to me." he took his hands out of his pockets and began to take steps closer to me. Continuing to move away from him he finally stopped and locked eyes with me. "Y/n please believe me when I say I love you.. I never meant to leave you during our wedding day... I loved you so m-" "Shut up." "what did y-" "I SAID SHUT UP!" I raised my voice at him making him slightly flinch. "Y/n dont you love me back???" he questioned cocking a brow at me. "I used to love you Jongin... I loved you so much! But you fucking broke me! Leaving me at that altar, and  because I wasnt able to have children!.. and you think I didnt find out that you were seeing someone behind my back?! Honestly Jongin your so fucking stupid!" 

My eyes began to blur with the tears that brimmed my eyes. "Y-Y/n... I didnt mean any of that! I didnt mean to cheat on your back then! I-Its just....-" "You didnt mean to!? Are you stupid?! You know what... fuck you Jongin. I regret falling in love with someone like you...." I whispered the last part. "What did you just say??? You REGRET loving me??" Shooting my head up with tears flowing down my face I nodded while furrowing my brows "Yes! YOU HEARD ME! I REGRET EVERYTHING THAT HAD TO DO WITH YOU! I REGRET METTING SOMEONE LIKE YOU! AND I REGRET EVER LOVING SOMEONE LIKE Y-" *SLAP* the stinging sensation that was felt on my cheek was new to me.....

Reaching up I placed my hand over my cheek. "Y/n... I-I didnt mean t-" "Get away from her" Voices spoke in unison, glancing back I saw Jihoon and Jungkook run towards me. "And who the hell are you?? telling me what to do and shit?" Jongin spat while glaring at the two males that stood in front of me. "Thats none of your business... I suggest you leave and head back to where your daughter is" Jihoon spoke in a dark tone. Scoffing Jongin turned on the heels of his shoes and walked away leaving the three of us alone. Once he left Jungkook and Jihoon quickly turned to me. "Y/n are you alright?" Jihoon asked and I nodded "ne im fine.. thank you" 

Suddenly removing my hand from my cheek Jungkook cupped my face turning it to see the injury more clearly. "Its going to swell up if you dont ice it.... Jihoon could you please get some ice???" He asked and Jihoon nodded leaving. Jungkook led me to a nearby bench and sat me down while taking a seat beside me "Ugh... I cant believe he did that to you..." he gritted his teeth. "Jungkook its alright..." "No Y/n its not... something like that... s-shouldnt have happened! and the things he said... Im just so.. UGH!" He groaned in annoyance while throwing his head back. 

Minutes after Jihoon ran in with an ice pack and gently placed it on my cheek causing me to slightly wince in pain. "I cant believe he hit you!" Jihoon exclaimed while crossing his arms before continuing to speak "-And I cant believe what he said to you too! Who does he think he is saying he loves you and such after all the bullshit he put you through" Shooting my head up "You heard???" I questioned which made Jungkook and Jihoon look  at each other before nodding. "W-We didnt mean to eavesdrop.. we saw you two talking and just overheard.." Sighing I nodded "Its fine... good thing you both were there to tell him off. If you guys werent there  who knows what else he wouldve done." We continued to talk about the situation but before we could get any further the bell ran indicating that lunch break was over. "That our cue to head back now" I spoke up while standing up from the bench. Jihoon headed back to the music room while Jungkook and I walked back together to the classroom where the kids and the parents were waiting. 

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