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With the blindfold over my eyes restricting me from seeing anything I felt the cab coming to a stop. Hearing my side of the door open Jihoon grabbed my hand and helped me out "So where are we exactly Jihoon???" leading me through rocky uneven pathway I could obviously feel the rocks under my heels. "You should have at least told me we were going somewhere with a crappy pathway, I couldnt worn different shoes. If I twist my ankle your taking the blame" "bare with it for a few more seconds okay? Were almost there" 

Sighign while nodding I kept a firm hold of Jihoons hand until he suddenly let go but soon after I felt his hand take a hold of mine. Hearing the sound of water I furrowed my brows until I was able to figure out that we were near a waterfall. "Jihoon where the heck are we? I could hear.. what is that? a waterfall? Oh god Jihoon you better not be thinking of throwing me in there." He didnt answer but instead I felt Jihoon grab my other hand, now holding both my hands I felt a bit uncomfortable. "Jihoon?? why are you so quiet? also why are you holding onto my hands like that?" Hearing some movement I wanted to take off the blindfold but with both my hands being held I just remained calm. 

Suddenly I heard him take a deep breath before speaking "Min Y/n.." (T-That voice.... Jungkook?!?) I opened my mouth about to say something until he continued to speak not letting me interject. 

"We've been together for awhile now and I-I just wanted to say a few things so please listen. I was left in the dark with Taewoo for for 5 years, I shut myself out from other people because I didnt know what to do. There were several times through out those years where I just wanted to stop and give up. But.. then I met you, you walked into my life and brought so much color into my world when it was dull. I know it sounds cringey but I truly mean it when I say that you changed me to be a better person. I fucked up so many times but yet you still accepted me for all my flaws. You even accepted Taewoo and treated him as your own. I-I dont want to drag it out any longer with how nervous I am right now so Im just going to get right to the end..-" 

Feeling him let go of my hand I quickly reached up and removed the blindfold, letting my eyes quickly adjust to my surroundings. They soon widened when seeing the male bent down on one knee while holding a box in his hands. 

"-Min Y/n. Would you.. uhmm.. would you marry this weirdo?" 

Not being able to contain my smile I giggled while tears streamed down my face as I walked over to him and bent down placing a soft kiss on his lips before whispering "Of course" With him placing the the ring on my finger he wrapped his arms around my waist he quickly stood up and twirled me around while yelling out "SHE SAID YESS!!!" About to whack him for being so loud I was surprised to hear cheering. Looking around and seeing so many familiar faces, Jungkook soon put me back on the ground while I looked at everyone with shocked expressions.

"Y-You guys... J-Jungkook did you plan all of this!?" I looked at him and he nodded while his hyungs stood behind him proudly. "Noona! Y/n!" shooting my head to the side I was engulfed in a huge hug by my brothers and Sungmin oppa. "Noona congratulations!!!" Hyunjin and Yeonjun chimed while ruffling my hair. "Y/n.. im really.. and I mean REALLY, happy for you" Sungmin oppa commented while bringing me into a tight hug. "Does this mean I'll be walking you down the aisle again?" Pulling away from the hug I looked up at him and nodded "Of course, you walked me down before so you have to do it again.. but this time.. I think he wont run out on me" 

"Miss Y/n!!!" hearing a small voice my ears perked up as I saw Taewoo running towards me while Jungkooks parents both followed after him. Picking the younger up and holding him in my arms he wrapped his small arms around my neck before planting a big ol kiss on my cheek "Will you be my eomma?!" surprised with his words I looked at Jungkook who smiled and nodded. "Of course Taewoo..." letting Taewoo go to his father I smiled as I hugged Mr and Mrs Jeon who happily accepted me. "Thank you so much Y/n for making our Jungkookie happy. Welcome to the family" 

After talking to his parents they went over to Jungkook to talk to him which gave me time to look at my two best friends and Soonyoung as they stood there with a fond smile on their faces. "Jihoon.. Mingyu.. Soonyoung-ssi come here" They chuckled while nearing me but instead of them initiating the hug I ran to them and tackled them onto the grass. With our laughter filling the air we soon stood up and have a proper hug with their congratulatory messages. "I cant believe this is happening.. your leaving me!" Jihoon whined like a little baby. "Yah! dont say that! your my best friend forever Jihoon... Plus your going to be my man of honor right?? I cant think of anyone being by my side during the wedding unless its you."

Seeing his eyes slightly water he shook his head yeeting the water from his eyes "Of course.. plus who is going to be by your side for dress shopping?? I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU TRY ON ALL THOSE WHITE DRESSES" he emphasized the last comment which made me laugh. "Well duh! you have to be there to remind me to not wear converse shoes down the aisle." 

"Y/n!!" hearing my name being called out to, I saw that Jungkook and the others were making their way out. "Were going to go eat dinner with everyone! kaja!" Soonyoung yelled while he continued to walk with Jungkook. 

"Ready to go future Mrs.Jeon??" 

"Of course.. lets go"

(Time Skip~)

After getting dinner with everyone I expected us all to call it a day and head back to our hotels but instead while everyone went back Jungkook told me to stay. Giving into his demands I waved goodbye to everyone else before Jungkook grabbed my hand leading me to a taxi where we got in. "So where are we heading???" I questioned while looking out the window trying to figure things out. "Back to OUR hotel" he simply replied while giving me a small smirk which didnt go unnoticed. Eyes slightly widening a playful smile appeared on my lips...

(Tonight is going to be a long... long night)




(A/N: SORRY!!! I wont be writing a spicy chapter for yall hahaha the last one is still fresh in my mind. LMAO But I just wanted to let you know that this book will be officially ending on Chapter 80! but maybe with some special timeskip chapters! Anyways I hope your ready for the last couple of chapters <3 LOVE YOU ALL!)

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