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Y/n Pov
"Shall we start our date?" he questioned, sending him a small nod we then began our date. Walking down the side walk through  the busy streets of Seoul we both talked about our interests and what we should do. "Lets go get something to eat first" he simply stated while leading me to a Korean BBQ restaurant, entering and taking our seats we looked through the menu before ordering the various types of meat along with drinks. 

After the waiter brought our food and drinks over we began to grill the meat and vegetables but while waiting Jungkook spoke up. "So what made you decide to become a teacher?" "Hmm?? well I always had a love for kids... and because of my condition I decided that becoming an elementary teacher was the best thing to do. Hmm.. now that were talking about work I never really asked you what you do.." Jungkook sent me a small smile "Well I work at an office, but every other day I actually work at a dance studio with Hoseok and Jimin hyung" Eyes widening at his response I became excited "A dance studio?! Jjinjja?!" he nodded his head "You like to dance?? I remember Taewoo saying you were better than me" Giggling at his words I nodded "Ne I love to dance, I used to dance when I was younger but now I just do it as a side hobby" "Well we should go to the dance studio, maybe later on if your up for it?" I nodded my head happily "I would love to!"  

(After lunch) 

Both of us splitting the bill and leaving the restaurant we walked down the streets until something caught my eye.. an arcade! "Hey Jungkook can we go there??" I asked while pointing at the building. He looked in the direction that I was pointing "the arcade?? you play video games?" I nodded while grabbing his wrist dragging him across the street and into the arcade building. It was so nostalgic, all these new or retro arcade games  that brought back so many memories from when I was in highschool and college. 

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Jungkook PovWalking into the arcade Y/n let go of my wrist and began to slowly  walk around amazed with everything, and to be honest I was too

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Jungkook Pov
Walking into the arcade Y/n let go of my wrist and began to slowly  walk around amazed with everything, and to be honest I was too. "Jungkook! Jungkook! look street fighter!" she chimed while running over to the arcade game inserting a coin. Joining beside her she commented "I love street fighter! I used to play this all the time.. I was pretty good" she complimented herself. "Oh? I guess you could say I was pretty good too. Want to challenge me?" she looked up at me and smirked. "Sure, but dont get upset it you lose~" "How about we make a bet. If you  win I will agree to do whatever you want me to do and same thing goes if I win" Extending my hand out her her she smiled and nodded before grabbing my hand and shaking it. 




WINNER "I cant believe I lost! and we did best out of 10!" Looking down smiling in victory she sighed before letting out a small giggle "I guess you win Jungkook, since you won what do you want me to do?" Smiling, I thought of a great idea but I want to save it for the end of the date. "I'll save it for later for now lets continue our date" she looked at me a bit confused but nodded. Leaving the arcade I remembered how she wanted to go to the dance studio. "Y/n the dance studio  I work at isnt too far from here, want to go there??" she looked up at me and nodded. 

Time Skip~ (At dance studio) 

"Hey Koo-  Y/n!!!" Both Jimin and Hoseok hyung chimed running up to us once we stepped foot in the studio. Both of the them bringing Y/n into a big hug I smiled before speaking up "Im here too yenno?" having them break the hug and chuckle, they furrowed their brows "So what are you guys doing here?? arent you guys on a date right now?" Y/n nodded before explaining how we both wanted to come here to dance a little bit. "Oh Y/n you dance???" she nodded with a big smile. "Really?? well then studio #4 is open. You guys can use it, anyways we better get back to work. We actually have to  teach a class in a few minutes. Come by if you want!" they waved their goodbyes before running off to their studio. 

Walking and entering studio #4 I glanced over and saw Y/n looking around the studio smiling to herself. "You seem very happy" I spoke up gaining her attention. "Ne I am, its been awhile since I last came to a studio.." Walking over to the speakers I plugged in my phone and began looking for a song "Lets have some fun hey??" she looked at me and smiled before suddenly speaking "Oh Jungkook... im not entirely dressed for dancing... " she awkwardly laughed while twirling around. Leaving my phone for a minute and walking over to one of the cabinets I pulled out a change of clothes before walking over handing it to her. "Whos clothes are  these???" she questioned. "Well the sweat pants are Jimin hyungs but the top is an extra from one of the other teachers, dont worry she wont mind" Y/n nodded before leaving the studio to quickly get changed. 

Back to finding a song the door opened and Y/n walked  in wearing the  sweatpants along with the hooded crop top exposing her torso. (Oh jeez....) I thought as I watched her begin to stretch. Shaking my head trying to get those dirty thoughts out I found a song and pressed on it. Walking over to the mirror I sat down in front of her but she looked at me confused "Come on! show me what you got!" I said while cheering her on. She laughed while shaking her head before she began to dance.

Watching as she danced I felt so captivated with the way she was moving, thinking that she was going to be a bit rusty and awkward I was totally wrong, she was flawless her moves were cleaner than any other female dance I've seen. Once the song came to an end I got on my feet and clapped my hands "That was great! You really are a good dancer!" I complimented having Y/n thank me while sitting down. "Time for you to show me what you got Mr.Jeon" laughing I walked over to my phone and pressed a song before rushing to the middle of the studio to dance.

One the song came to an end I dropped onto the ground sitting while lightly panting "For someone who works at this dance studio you seem to be out of shape" Y/n commented followed by a small laugh. After a few more songs and danced we saw that it was already 7pm. "Hey are you hungry? want to go get something to eat before I drive you home?" I suggested but Y/n surprisingly shook her head "Ani, I have a place that I want to go to though" she added before leaving the room to get changed. Leaving the studio I waited by the front door and soon saw her come up to me with the clothes she borrowed. "You could leave those on the counter" She nodded and did as I said before we both took our leave. 

It was already so dark out but it instead of finding it sketchy we both found it oddly beautiful. Both the street lights and the stars slowly lighting up the night. Following her lead to where she wanted to go we finally reached where she was leading us and I was surprised to see that we were at the entrance of Namsan Tower. 



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