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Y/n Pov
"Miss Y/n it seems like everything is good to go, you can go anytime. These are some painkillers in case your head starts to hurt but dont worry too much its normal. But if you experience sharp pain please come back and we will run some tests. Have a great day" The doctor chimed before waving me goodbye and walking out. Standing up and stretching my arms up to the sky I looked at my old clothes that were on the chair and scrunched my face... (Right I dont have a change of clothes...) I thought while walking over about to change into them until the door slid open. 

"Good morning beautiful" he greeted while walking up to me with his bright bunny smile. "Good morning Jungkook" I sent him a smile back as he pulled me into a hug. "Why dont you call me something other than Jungkook?? whats my name on your phone?" he questioned, feeling embarrassed I didnt want to tell him it was 'Jungkookie'. "T-Thats a secret!" I replied before turning away with red cheeks. "Haha I'll find out eventually. hmm... why dont you just call me Kook? or Kookie?" he suggested "I think ill go with Kookie" "Oh here... I remembered that you didnt have any change of clothes so I just bought you some on my way here" he said while handing me a bag. "Huh?? Oh you didnt have to, I was just going to wear the clothes-" "The clothes that have blood stains? nuh-uh your not about to wear that, people might look at you and think that you just committeda crime." Watching as he walked up to my old clothes he then tossed it into the garbage. Laughing at his actions I walked over to the washroom and got ready. 

Walking out the washroom Jungkook looked over at me and smiled "Kyeopta" he commented

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Walking out the washroom Jungkook looked over at me and smiled "Kyeopta" he commented. "Why does remind me of an outfit that Jihoon or Hoseok wore?" he laughed at me remark before taking my hand in his "Kaja, lets go get something to eat" Leading me out the room and down the hallway, I quickly thanked the nurses we passed before walking out of the hospital. Feeling the warm breeze hit my face I inhaled the air and smile "Ugh if feels so good to finally be outside!". Getting  into his car and driving off, it was a quiet but comfortable ride but soon I was caught off guard once Jungkooks  hand gripped my thigh while his other was on the steering wheel. *THUMP

"So what do you feel like eating??" (you... -WAIT. WHAT?!) eyes widening and face turning into a tomato I turned my attention out the window "Oh how about Italian? I've been wanting some pasta lately but I never got the time to go out and fulfill that" With a low chuckle he nodded knowing where the best place to eat pasta was. Coming to a stop as he parked the car we both got out and walked down the street together "Its just down the road" he spoke up, while walking side by side I felt our hands graze each others a few times, sighing I took the initiative and reached for his hand intertwining it with mine. Jungkook stiffened at first but soon softened as he sent me a cute smile followed by small laughter.

 Jungkook stiffened at first but soon softened as he sent me a cute smile followed by small laughter

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Arriving at the restaurant we walked in and soon were seated by the window. Reading through the menu and soon ordering our food we patiently waited until the food was served at our table. "Enjoy~" the male server chimed before sending us one last smile and walking away. Digging into our food we both made some pretty weird noises since we were enjoying the food. While eating my pasta I looked up and soon chocked on my food from laughter once seeing Jungkook eating his pizza.

He continued to try and eat the cheese but it was never ending! the cheese kept on coming one bit after another and I was dying of laughter. The string of cheese connected from his mouth to his pizza he then stared at me as I continued to laugh.(Hes too cute for me to handle...) "You seem to be having trouble there" Finally breaking off the cheese he chuckled "Its just so cheesy! I mean im not complaining but  dang that was a lot of cheese" 

Time Skip~ 

After we were done eating, Jungkook paid for the food before we left and walked back to his car. Getting in a driving off I noticed the time "Oh Jungkook, you should drop me off home now. School is almost done so you need to pick up Taewoo" he nodded his head. Thinking that he was simply just going to drive me home I was wrong, he drove me back to the school. (????) Car parked as he hopped out he looked at me confused "do you not want to see everyone?" shaking my head I took my seat belt off and followed after him. Entering the school I soon heard a loud gasp "Y/n?!" jumping I turned and saw both Lina and Mingyu standing there wide eyed looking at me. "H-Hey?" I greeted while awkwardly waving. 

Before a blink of an eye they jumped on me smothering me with their hugs. "We missed you so much! Jihoon told us what happened and we cant believe it! WE WERE SO WORRIED!" they both said in unison making me laugh and light break the hug. "I was only gone for 4 days" "YEAH BUT ITS BEEN SO BORING WITHOUT YOU HERE! YOUR THE MOOD MAKER OF THE SCHOOL AND WITHOUT YOU IT WAS DEAD QUIET!" Lina exclaimed. "Oh? Y/n??" I heard Jihoon, giving him my attention he smiled while jogging over  to me and hugging me "What are you doing here? shouldnt you be resting?" I nodded but hinted that Jungkook brought me here. 

"So hows my students?" I questioned Jihoon and he laughed. "Crazy, I dont know how your able to handle them. GO see them if you want, their all just talking amongst themselves since school is almost over" Nodding I walked down the hallway towards my class. Poking my head into the classroom I  walked in before clearing my throat. All their tiny heads turning to me before their eyes widened. "MISS Y/N!!!!!" They all yelled at the same time before getting out of their desk to attack me. "Where have you been?! were you kidnapped?! did someone hurt you!!! WHERE WERE YOU!!!" throwing questions left and  right I laughed before bending down to their level to get a big group hug going. 

Jungkook pov
Following after Y/n I entered the classroom and saw all of them in one big group hug. A big smile formed on my lips once seeing that Taewoo was all pressed up against Y/n. They all broke the hug and once Taewoo saw me he ran over to me "Appa! Miss Y/n is okay!!!" he chimed and I nodded. "Miss Y/n appa was very worried about you! He said he wants to give you flowers!" I heard one of the students speak making my brows twitch,(Excuse me? whos giving who flowers?!) seeing that it was Seohyung who spoke that meant her father was Onew. The other students joined in saying the same thing until I stopped them by walking behind Y/n and wrapping my arms around her waist as my chin rested on her shoulder. 

Looking down at the little kids who looked up at me confused I smirked "Sorry kids but Miss Y/n is mine~" I cooed before playfully sticking my tongue out at them. The little girls began to squeal while the boys laughed. "Mr.Jeon & Miss Y/n sitting in a tree.. K.I.S.S.I.N.G-" Feeling Y/n playfully elbow my stomach she turned to me and gave me the 'are you serious' look and I threw my hands in the air "hey they needed to know that your mine!" I defended making Y/n shake her head with a smile. "Kookie your ridiculous, their kids.. are you... jealous? because their parents want to give me flowers?" 

Eyes slightly widening I crossed my arsm and puffed my cheeks "w-what? n-no! I-Im not jealous..." I whispered until Y/n pinched my cheeks softly "Wah~ Kookie is jealous how cute." Not able to contain my smile she pulled her hand away and I looked her in the eyes. *THUMP*

(Dont worry... Im all yours...)

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