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(The Next Day)

Y/N Pov
*BEEP BEEP* Fluttering my eyes open I reached over to my phone and dismissed my alarm clock from annoying me any further. Waking up with a slight hangover I pushed myself off my bed and went to the kitchen to take some pills to relieve the pounding in my head. Taking the pills I made my way to my closet grabbing my clothes before heading into the washroom to shower and get ready. After showering and feeling refreshed I got ready putting on my clothes...

Applying a little bit of makeup and grabbing my purse I heard a knock on my front door

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Applying a little bit of makeup and grabbing my purse I heard a knock on my front door. (Must be Jihoon...) U thought as I put my heels on. Walking over to the door and opening it Jihoon sent me a bright smile. "Good morning sunshine!" he chimed while walking into my apartment, "Jihoon how can you be such a cheerful morning person??? I literally cant...." he laughed "Im not a morning person... trust me. I just think of the kids so I have some motivation". I looked at him with furrowed brows before commenting "you really sound like a pedophile right now..." 

"Yah! I dont mean it in a creepy way!" he raised his voice while slapping my arm lightly. "Im kidding Im Kidding!! now lets go before were late! Oh but I need your help bringing some stuff" I walked back to the kitchen and handed him some bento boxes that I had prepared for the parents. "You made all this???" he asked while looking at the large amount of bento boxes I had handed to him. I nodded "I had some time to spare last night" "Ugh... how are you not married yet??" he commented making me laugh. "I just havent found the right guy.. anyways lets go!!" 

Finally arriving at the school Jihoon helped me bring the food/drinks I made into my classroom before leaving. "Dinner tonight???" he suggested, smiling I sent him a small nod. Leaving me alone in my classroom I began to think about what we should do for todays 'bring your parent to school' day but came up with some ideas. "Miss Y/n were here!!!" I hear small voices chime while entering the classroom. Looking up I saw that it was Haneul, Sooyoung, James, and Minwoo that entered the classroom with their parents following behind them. "Good morning!" I greeted the kids as they all ran up to me for a hug. "Good morning Miss Y/n" the parents greeted me with warm smiles. 

The majority of the parents and their kids were here but we were still waiting on some others. "Miss Y/n!" Leanne jumped while running up to me "good morning Leanne, you seem very happy today" I commented, she nodded "because daddy is here again!" she chimed. "Good morning Y/n" His voice filled my ears and I couldnt help but feel angry. Glancing up I saw Jongin walking up to me with an awkward smile on his face. I forced out a fake smile and greeted him back "Good morning Mr.Kim" His eyes widened a little bit and he seemed surprised with the way I had greeted him. 

(Time Skip~) 

There were 5 more minutes until class was about to start and I was just waiting on one more kid. "Sorry im late!! Appa took a long time to get ready!"  shooting my head towards the door and saw Taewoo walk in while dragging in his father behind him. A small giggle left my mouth as I watched Taewoo drag his own dad into the classroom. "Good morning Miss Y/n! Appa is being weird!" Taewoo commented, I looked over at his dad and saw him keeping his eyes glued to the floor. "Good Morning Jungkook" he looked up as I sent him a warm smile, "O-Oh Good Morning Y/n" he greeted back almost like he was whispering. 

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