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Its been a few days since I last heard from the police... they told me that the whereabouts of both Jongin and Minji are unknown which made me come to think.. what if their working together? Sitting in the teachers lounge and drinking some tea, Mingyu walked in with Jihoon and soon spotted me sitting by myself. Joining me they asked if I was alright with the whole situation but told them that I was just worried... They immediately understood and comforted me. "Hey.. have you seen Minji out front lately???" I turned to Jihoon with furrowed brows but he shook his head. "Ani... the principal said that she was here yesterday but quickly left and hasnt showed up today" "I see..." 

Time Skip~ 

Once our break was over and we returned to our classrooms I was watching the kids talked to each other while doing some art. But in the middle of watching over them I got a text from Jihoon saying that he had seen Minji walking passed his classroom window. Eyes widening I stood up and walked over to the window and closing the blinds right away. Standing right by the window I saw a faint shadow now standing in front of me... I began to panic a little bit, thinking how fricken weird this was. A few seconds after Jihoon came into my class and walked over to me before looking at the window. "Shes here...." I whispered, without any hesitation Jihoon opened the blinds to the classroom revealing Minji standing there ... with Jongin.

They both shot their head towards us and we were now both staring at each other with wide eyes. Jongin grabbed her hand and they both ran off... I stood there shocked, my assumptions were right about them possibly working together. Feeling my heart race I was so deep and lost in my thoughts until Jihoon grabbed my shoulders lightly shaking me. But instead of snapping out of my thoughts I stood there terrified. 

Jihoon POV
I stood there with the same reaction as Y/n... we were both equally as shocked when seeing the two together.  After a few seconds, I snapped out of it and turned to Y/n who was still struck with shock. Grabbing her shoulder and turning her to face me she blinked a couple of times before breathing heavily as if she was going into some type of panic attack. Quickly taking action and calming her down we were lucky enough that school had now ended, with the students not aware with what was happening they all said their farewells to us and left the classroom. 

We were left in silence until I broke it "Y/n... are you alright?" I asked obviously worried, she shook her head before finally walking over to sit behind her desk. Bringing her hands together she started to do breathing exercises. It reminded me of the time we first met and she was still coping with what had happened between her and Jongin. Whenever we felt scared or super stressed she would get so overwhelmed to the point where she has troubles breathing... but thats when I taught her simple breathing exercises to help. Standing behind her I gently rubbed her back until someone spoke up "Is everything okay??" Y/n flinched hearing Jungkooks voice, seeing him walk right up to us he asked what had happened. 

Knowing Y/n all too well she would try to come up with a dumb excuse to not worry Jungkook so I spoke up telling him everything that had happened. She heaved a heavy sigh while running his hands through his hair in annoyance before looking down at Y/n whose eyes were glued to the floor. "Kaja lets go home... we can talk about it there." He simply spoke while grabbing Y/ns hand and leading her out of the classroom... (I guess I'll hear about it tomorrow....) I thought as I watched them walk off together. 

Jungkook POV
Dragging her out of the classroom and out the school I opened the passenger side door and she got in without a complaint. Walking around and hopping in Taewoo was oblivious to what was happening. The ride was quiet until we finally arrived back at my place, we all got out of the car and entered the house. Taewoo ran up to his room to play with his toys while Y/n and I made our way to the living room. Watching as she plopped herself down onto the couch I sat beside her and waited until she finally spoke. "I should report this to the police shouldnt I??" I hummed in response agreeing with her comment. 

Time Skip~ 

Calling Namjoon to watch over Taewoo, Y/n and I soon left to the police station once hyung got here. With Y/n talking to multiple officers about what had happened, I was taken into another room to be questioned about Minji and my past with her. Telling only the truth they got the information they needed and started to discuss what to do. Knowing that Minji has a restraining order they will be having a few officers take turns watching the school in case she shows up again. The officers didnt want to 100% say that it was Minji and Jongin who left the note but hearing how they were the only ones who had ill feelings towards Y/n they were the number one suspects in this situation. 

After finishing up at the station Y/n and I soon went back to my place. Talking to Namjoon and telling him the situation he advised us to tell the school the situation so they are aware and if they see her they could notify authorities right away. Agreeing with his input we thanked him and he took his leave. 

Hours passed and with it being already being late Taewoo was put to bed and I was in the kitchen with Y/n. "How are you holding up?" she looked at me while sipping on a cup of milk before responding "Im alright, this whole situation with Minji and Jongin is just stressing me out.." "Me too..." Making my way behind her I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist while resting my chin in the crook of her neck. "But dont worry.. they will be dealt with..." Putting her cup down she turned around and wrapped her arms around my waist while resting her head on my chest. (A/N: wow I wish...) "Thank you for sticking by my side through all of this..." "No... I should be saying that to you... after everything that happened up until now I should be thanking you..." 

Placing a soft kiss on the top of her head I felt her tighten the hug before lightly speaking. 

"I love you..." 

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