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"Y/n... I know you told me not to comment on it but you've been walking like you fell down a flight of stairs ever since we got back from Jeju 2 days ago. Was the sex that good??" Jihoon whispered into my ear causing my cheeks to flush deep red. Whacking his arm I quickly fastened my steps before entering my classroom seeing all my students now in their desks after their lunch break. 

Suddenly seeing Sooyoung with her hand up I smiled and nodded before her small voice spoke up "Miss Y/n?? Why are you limping??" she questioned with a worried expression along with the other students. Choking on my own spit I was about to respond until I heard someone chuckle "She fell down the 'stairs'" Shooting my head towards the door and seeing Jihoon standing there with a childish expression I shot him a glare causing him to laugh while entering the room. "Mr. Lee!" the kids chimed happily while the short male sat in my chair. 

"Its nice to see you all again, even though I just saw you all the other day. Do you all like me that much??" I rolled my eyes at his words before turning back to Sooyoung and telling her that I just hurt myself. 

(Time Skip~)

Finally off from work and now sitting in Jungkooks car with Taewoo we were currently heading back to his place since he invited me over for dinner. His left hand on the wheel while his other hand intertwined with mine. Pulling up and parking on the side of the road we all got out and soon entered the house where it was filled with laughter. Of course I knew it was his hyungs who were causing all the noise. Entering the living room and their field of vision they all stopped what they were doing before holding bright smiles on their faces. 

"Y/N!!!!" They all chimed as they welcomed me into their bubble. "Y/n, have you started planning???" Namjoon questioned but I shook my head "Ani, we just got engaged a few days ago.. I havent really started anything yet." "Its alright, it is a bit early... but it never too early to start brainstorming what you want. Are you planning on going dress shopping soon?? I know your going to go with Jihoon-sii but would you mind is Jiwoo noona went as well???"

"Ah right! she got married recently right??? Of course! I would love to have a females opinion too.." Hobi sent me a smile while nodding. Hours went by and it was already night time... the thing is that we all got so carried away with talking we forgot to make dinner. "Appa... im hungry... Uncle Chim keeps on giving me candy but I feel like im going to throw up if I keep eating it" With our eyes widening it hit us all. "Lets order Pizza???" Yoongi questioned while looking at us all. "Why dont we all go out to eat??? I mean its not that late plus we could all get up and walk too." 

"but Cardio isnt part of my vocabulary Y/n...." laughing at Yoongis comment we all agreed to eat out. So grabbing our things and leaving the house we walked down the street until we saw a Japanese restaurant across the street. Looking at each other and nodding we quickly crossed and entered, greeted and soon being seated we looked through the menus together before the waiter took our order.

"So how is work for all of you???" I questioned while looking at the older males who were just casually scrolling through their phones. They all began to explain how work was easy for them but that they were all planning on looking for new jobs sometime soon, maybe even start up their own company if they really commit to it. "Start your own company???" I repeated while looking at Namjoon who smiled. "Ne, were not too sure yet but if we really commit to doing it then we were thinking of starting a music company." "Oh! that sounds awesome! But of course you all have to put in a lot of work to make it successful but knowing you all.. you can probably do it." 

(Time Skip~ agaaaaiiiin?!)

After eating dinner and now back at Jungkooks place with everyone else who I wasnt surprised was staying for the night. Jungkook offered to drive me home since it was almost 9 in the evening but I politely declined. "Your not declining because your being considerate are you??? Is Jihoon or one of your brothers picking you up???" I shook my head "M-Mingyu???" I shook my head again making him even more concerned. 

"IS IT SOMEONE I AT LEAST KNOW!?" he raised his voice obviously worried. I laughed at his actions before hearing my phone ring, taking my phone out I smiled before answering "Your outside??? Arasseo i'l be right there" hanging up the phone I placed a soft kiss on Jungkooks cheek before opening the door and heading out but of course with how curious Jungkook was he followed me like a lost puppy until I opened the car door. "Y/n!~ oh? hey Kook!" 

Sungmin oppa waved happily as I hopped into the car. Looking up at Jungkook he looked at me before sighing "You could've told me that it was Sungmin hyung... I thought you were going to be picked up by some random." Shaking my head I quickly gave him a peck on the lips before he sent me small smile while closing the passenger door. With Sungmin driving off we had little talk but mostly about planning the wedding and such. "Im happy that you found someone like Jungkook. Im assuming he knows?? about-" I cut him off by nodding, explaining how I told Jungkook about my condition during our first date. "You deserve everything Y/n... you truly do. And I hope you continue to be happy in the future as well. Anyways lets go???" 

Not entirely knowing where Sungmin was taking me we soon came to a complete stop before he parked his car. With both of us stepping out I looked around and followed after my cousin as he walked into a large store which I realized was a bridal boutique. "What are we doing here???" I thought as my eyes scanned the many dresses that were either on mannequins or on hangers. "Well I already told you that im going to be out of town, and I dont know when I will be back. But i just wanted to give you a little something before I go... Mina!!!" he suddenly yelled and soon after a small female rushed out with a smile on her face. "Sungmin-ssi! what are you doing here so late at night?? ... oh?? who is this??" 

Stepping forward we shook each others hands while introducing ourselves. "So now that you two have met... Mina I want you to be in charge of Y/ns wedding dress. The details arent confirmed but I know that I could trust you with this." 

"O-Of course! L-LEAVE IT UP TO ME!"


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