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Time Skip~ (A couple weeks later)

Y/n Pov
Work has been so stressful lately... Not because of the kids but because of the school administration. I have been told that  starting next week I would be teaching the grade 5 students since their original teacher Mrs.Kwon would be on her maternity leave. I was shocked because I thought I would have to be with the students until Mrs.Kwon returned but I was glad that it would only be for 1 week since they had already found a replacement. But it was such a last minute decision and I wasnt prepared at all! Mrs.Kwon had left me her schedule for the week and it was all mainly core subjects and tests... I was freaking out because not only did Mrs.Kwon have tests every single day but she didnt leave me any of the tests! 

Now here I am sitting in my cclassroom while the kids were eating trying to figure out what to do. "Miss Y/n?? are you alright?" Taewoos voice snapped me out of my thoughts causing me to look up. "Oh Taewoo... yes I am.. im just a bit stressed.." Before the younger could answer a knock was heard at the door, looking to see who it was, it was as if god answered my prayers. "J-Jihoon! Y-You!!! YOUR GOING TO HELP ME!" I slightly raised my voice while getting up from my seat. While marching my way towards him he smiled while extending his hand to me. (?????

Looking down I noticed they were all the tests I was freaking out about. "D-Did you do this yourself?!" I asked while taking all the tests from his hands. He chuckled lowly before shaking his head "Ani, Mrs.Kwon had left them in her filing cabinet..." Sighing in relief I quickly wrapped my arms around Jihoon bringing him into a tight hug. "Thank you so much Jihoon! I was stressing out so much and I though I would have to write all the tests by myself!" 

Breaking the hug he ruffled my hair "I owe you big time!" "Oh yeah you do... so you better come out with me to the club tonight." (club?!?) Pulling his arm I leaned in and whispered into his ear "the club?! Jihoon you know im not a fan of the club! w-why the club! why not anywhere else?!" "Y/n, you've been doing nothing the past couple weeks! you've been concentrating on only work! now stop complaining. After work were going back and Im going to help you get ready." Sighing in defeat I nodded before he walked away... Turning back to my desk I noticed Taewoo still standing there patiently waiting "Ah! Taewoo! im so sorry! You were about to say something until Mr.Lee interrupted." 

Taewoo smiled innocently "Its alright Miss Y/n!" "is there anything you wanted to talk to me about?" he nodded slightly before pulling a vacant chair beside me. "I-Its about papa" (Jungkook???)  I stayed quiet letting him continue but what he asked was totally  different from what I thought. "D-Do  you like papa?" (??!?!?!) Choking  on my spit I coughed a little bit and looked at Taewoo with wide eyes. "w-what??" "Miss Y/n.. I-I was just asking.. b-because you and papa look at each other with big smiles and your both so happy together.." (ugh my heart..) Placing my hand on top of Taewoos he looked up at me while I looked down  at me with a warm smile. "Wahh, your very observant Taewoo... Ne I like your papa....BUT! you cant tell him arasseo? you have to keep this a secret" holding out my pinky finger he looked at me and sent me his cute little bunny smile. 

Linking his small pinky with mine he nodded "Ne! I-I wont tell papa! its our secret Miss Y/n!" getting off from his chair he skipped away back to his desk before class started again. 

Time Skip~ (After School @ Apartment) 

"Okay I got my clothes ready.. now lets head over  to your place and get you ready for tonight!" Jihoon chimed while we both exited his apartment. Entering mine Jihoon proceeded to enter my room and head straight to my closet to pick out my outfit. After a few minutes Jihoon whistled while coming out holding a dress that I had never worn. "Excuse me Y/n.. but why the heck have you not worn this yet?!" I simply  shrugged my shoulders and walked over to him taking the dress "There was never the right occasion." "Well tonight is the night.. throw that thing on and get ready. We leave in an hour" 

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