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"Why today...." I groaned while pushing myself off the bed annoyed. You already know its that time of the month. Taking a shower and getting ready I wanted to dress as comfortable as possible since trying to look pretty was too much effort especially during my period. Throwing some super baggy clothes I put my hair up into a messy bun and looked at myself in the mirror... (Well this is as good as its gonna get...) 

Grabbing my bag I left my apartment and decided to take a cab, the thought of taking the bus just annoys me, and im way too lazy to take my own car

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Grabbing my bag I left my apartment and decided to take a cab, the thought of taking the bus just annoys me, and im way too lazy to take my own car. Hailing a cab I was about to hopped in about to leave until someone else hopped into the cab as well. Seeing that it was just Jihoon I sighed while leaning back. "Jeez, its just you... if you were someone else i would have probably flipped you off." Jihoon got comfortable before he scanned me from head to toe "Oh god... its that time of the month isnt it..." "How could you tell-" "You look disgusting." he looked at me with a jokingly disgusted face. 

"Can you not

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"Can you not... unless you want me to open this window and stick your head outside, For sure you love the taste of dead bugs in your mouth" He laughed at my sudden comeback before shutting his mouth. Arriving to work we split the cab fare and walked into the school, greeting the other teachers Mingyu made his way to the two of us with his usual bright and cheery mood. "Good morning Jihoon! Y/-" "Shut it you talking tree." He turned to Jihoon with a super confused look on his face "whats wrong with her?" "Shes on her period. Hey... could you actually make her something warm to drink? that usually helps her" Mingyu nodded before rushing off. 

Entering my class I sat in my desk and heaved a heavy sigh. Jihoon entered while taking a seat in one of the vacant chairs in the front of the class. "I know your on your period but dont take it out on our coworkers." I rolled my eyes until soon after I heard the small voices of the students as they slowly walked, they all greeted me with bright smiles. "Good morning Miss Y/n!" they all chimed before heading to their desks. I wasnt in a great mood to begin with but seeing them lifted my mood a little bit. Not a lot... just a little bit. Staying quiet I rested my head on the desk wanting to relax but literally 5 seconds later I hear my name being called, slowly lifting my head I saw JB standing in front of my desk holding a cup. (???) "Miss Y/n... Mr. Kim looked scared to come in so he asked me to bring this to you... I think.. I think its warm milk!". Lightly giggling I took the cup from his hands and looked down to see that JB was right, it was warm milk. Looking towards the door I saw Mingyu peeking his head in. Having a small smile I mouthed the words 'thank you' earning a smile back from Mingyu before he walked off to his class. 

"Feeling better?" Jihoon questioned, taking a sip of the warm milk and felt slightly more better I nodded. "What would make you feel better??? like get you out of your gross mood..." I shrugged not being able to think of anything that would be able to immediately lift my spirits. "How about Jungkook?? would he be able to make you super happy during your period?" Looking at him I scrunched my nose, "eh probably no-" "You dont think I could make you happy during your monthly thing?" Shooting my head to the door Jungkook and Taewoo walked in, after Taewoo greeted me and joined his classmates Jungkook walked over to me with a smug smile on his annoyingly cute face. 

"So.. you think im not capable of lifting your mood during your monthly session?" (... why did he refer to it as a monthly session... he makes it seem like its a therapy session more than a period.) "Hmm.. Im not too sure.. its not that I dont think your capable of doing so. Its just that this month its worse than usual." He leaned his hand on the desk looking down at me while I looked at him not amused. "I think I could put a smile on that cute face of yours" he commented while booping my nose. Giving him a 'ew.. why did you do that' look I swatted his hand away and rolled my eyes. "Probably not the best time to be saying those corny things to me Kook" he chuckled before using both his hands to pinch my cheeks. "What are you doing..."

 "Look at you all moody and such, what a cute sight

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 "Look at you all moody and such, what a cute sight. Super adorable, coochie coochie coo~" Having my expression fall along with my mood he immediately pulled his hands away while clearing his throat. "Yeah not a great idea to do that to Y/n during all of that..." Jihoon spoke up, "Is it that bad??" Jihoon nodded his head. "Well its usually tolerable but this month seems to be the worst one... so you know be careful. Also have fun dealing with that" the shorter male took his leave while Jungkook turned to stare at me. "Y/n~~~" he cooed making my eyebrow twitch "Kook.... what do you want." "To make you happy duh! obviously girls on their period get moody. Seeing you like this is kind of refreshing but at the same time I want to be the one who is able to make you happy during your bloody mary season" (How is he gonna refer my period as that dumb mirror game.. or is he referring it to the drink?? ugh why am I even thinking this hard about it..) 

Hearing the school bell ring I looked at Jungkook and he knew that it was time to go since he was going to be late for work. "Well I'll be here to pick up Taewoo after school.. maybe then I could be able to put a smile on your face."

Slightly amused at his words I nodded while shooing him away "Goodluck with that Mr.Jeon" He stopped at my words and looked at me as if he was totally offended "Mr.Jeon???" he raised a brow at me while slowly approaching me, "Not even Kookie?? Or ... babe?" as he got closer I felt my heart race faster and faster. Feeling his chest pressed up against mine I closed my eyes and soon felt him flick my forehead, opening my eyes I looked at him with a confused expression. "What were you expecting something more???" He wiggled his brows making me click my tongue, I pushed him out the classroom wanting him to leave "Get out of here you weirdo.." he began to laugh at my reaction before waving me off while walking down the hallway before yelling out to me.

"I love you too!~" 

(What an idiot...)

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