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(The next morning~)

Slowly opening my eyes I blinked a few times before slowly looking around the room. Feeling a strong arm wrap around my waist to bring me in closer I glanced up to see Jungkook looking down at me with half open eyes but with a small smile on his face before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "Good morning n/n" I smiled back and greeted him before pecking his cheek. Laying down together in the silence I  suddenly began to remember what had happened last night. Feeling my cheeks heat up I heard Jungkook chuckle before speaking "Are you thinking about last night?" Quickly sitting up I saw Jungkooks eyes widen as he looked at me.

Raising a brow confused I looked down and noticed my bare chest, grabbing the blanket and covering my chest Jungkook began to laugh at what had just happened. "Why did you cover up? I liked the view" wiggling his brows at me I pushed myself off the bed and quickly walked over to my bags grabbing some casual clothes for me to wear. Seeing the time I turned to Jungkook and made him get ready before we both made our way up the stairs to the living room where we saw Taewoo and Jungkooks parents sitting in the dining room while preparing lunch. 

Mrs.Jeon saw us both walking over before sending us a friendly greeting. "You both slept in quite a bit... Im guessing you both slept late huh..." she sent  a little smirk before nudging Mr.Jeon on the shoulder making him comment. "Dont sleep too late all the time.. but Im not opposed of the fact of having another grandchild on the way. The sooner the better, dont you think?" Both of our eyes opened wide before Jungkook shook his head. "Appa.. Eomma.. can you both refrain from saying such things in front of Y/n." I waved my hand in front of my face while awkwardly laughing "Ani~ its alright. I dont mind at all" Taking a seat around the table, Mrs.Jeon set down the food and we soon began to eat. 

While in the middle of eating Mr.Jeon soon commented "We were thinking of bringing Taewoo out for a few ours. Is that alright?" Jungkook simply nodded "Sure, I dont see a problem with that. Y/n and I will co-" "No no no Kook... why dont you show Y/n around Busan??? bring her to your favorite places!!" his mom interrupted him while his dad nodded agreeing "Yeah, I mean Taewoo did come to spend time with us. So why dont you leave Taewoo with us for the day until you all have to leave tonight." 

Jungkook scrunched his brows before I nudged his arm with my elbow "Your parents are right, let Taewoo spend some quality time with your parents. Lets go on a date!" 

(Time Skip~)

"Appa! Miss Y/n were heading out now!!" Taewoo chimed while running down the stairs all dressed up. (OMG... HES TOO CUTE!!) I thought in my head while the little cute chid made my heart do flips. 

Jungkook POV"YOUR SO CUTE!!" Y/n chimed while brining my son into her arms to hug him tightly

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Jungkook POV
"YOUR SO CUTE!!" Y/n chimed while brining my son into her arms to hug him tightly. Taewoo giggled before being put back on the ground. Hearing my parents come down the stairs my mom, Y/n and Taewoo both made their way out of the house while appa and I walked behind them. "Shes a really beautiful girl Kook..." he suddenly commented while smiling in their direction. Looking in front of us, I saw Y/n smiling brightly at Eomma while holding Taewoos hand. "You really like her dont you?" I looked at him and nodded making him nod as well. 

"Thats good Kook, im really happy you found someone like her. I could tell she really likes you... I really like her" "You do??? J-Jinjja?!" he chuckled at my comment "You really think I would have made that comment earlier if I didnt like her??" "Haha you've got a point there" 

After walking with them  for a few minutes we arrived at the park where we then went our separate ways. "Appa make sure you protect Miss Y/n!!!" Taewoo yelled out to us as we walked away. "I WILL!!!" "You better!! If you dont I'll portect her instead!" Making Y/n and I both laugh I reached out and intertwined my hand with hers pulling her along to where I wanted to go. "So where to?" she asked while looking around, her eyes wandering. "Well since were in Busan I wanted to show you around. You've never been here right?" looking back at her she nodded. 

"Well then I shall be your tour guide for today"




(A/N: Im so sorry for having to end the chapter here! I want to save everything for the next chapter so I hope you all dont mind! Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, talk to you all again in the next one!)

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