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Y/n Pov
"YOUR BREAKING THIS FAMILY APART JONGIN!  I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOU ANYMORE!" Mrs.Kim yelled before breaking down in tears. "Eomma!" Leanne yelled, letting go of my hand she ran towards her mom hugging her. "L-Leanne.. i-im sorry" Mrs.Kim cried out not knowing what else to say. "Y/n." Jongin called out my name making chills send down my spine. Mrs.Kim looked at me before quickly pushing herself up and running towards me with Leanne. "Miss Y/n.. im so sorry Leanne had to bring you here. T-This is our problem dont worry about it, you should quickly leave, you need to go n-" But before I could reply Mrs.Kim was pushed to the side while Jongin harshly grabbed my hand. "Jongin let go of her!" Mrs.Kim  (lets say her name is Yuee) yelled while trying to get Jongin to let go of my hand. "Shut the fuck up this is between Me and Y/n isnt it?" Jongin said in a low tone. (B-Between the two of us??? w-why?)  

"Let go of her" Jungkook suddenly spoke up while grabbing onto Jongins arm. "Who the fuck are you to tell me what the fuck I should or shouldnt do huh?" Seeing jongins eyes widen he then smirked "Right your her new boyfriend arent you? well then.." within a split second Jongins fist came in contact with Jungkooks jaw causing him to fall to the ground in pain. "J-Jungkook!" Taewoo stood there shocked before Yuee grabbed him and covered his eyes. Jongin went on top of Jungkook and began to punch his face while Jungkook fought back as well. "Stop it!  Jongin stop  it right now!!" I yelled while running up to him and using all my strength to push him off of Jungkook. Falling on top of Jongin I raised my hand up and slapped him across the cheek. 

"STOP IT RIGHT NOW! WHY CANT YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled but Jongin didnt give a shit. He was stronger then me and he roughly pushed me off of him before he got on top of me and began to hurt me. Feeling his rough hand grab a fistful of my hair, he held it tightly while using his  free hand to slap or punch me. Wincing in pain at how ruthless he was to hurt me he stopped. My body going numb he brought my face closer to his "WHY CANT YOU LOVE AND ACCEPT ME. IM DOING EVERYTHING I CAN JUST TO GET YOU BACK. WHY! IM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN ACCEPT YOU AND YOUR SECRET! IM THE ONLY ONE WHO WILL EVER LOVE SOMEONE LIKE YOU! WHY CANT YOU JUST UNDERSTAND THAT?!" Not saying a word he forcefully kissed me while his vacant hand roamed my body freely, trying my best to push him away nothing  worked.. until I felt the weight of his body disappear... (what happened...) feeling my vision blur everything was spinning until it went black.

Yoongi Pov
Looking for Y/n, Jungkook and Taewoo with Jimin and Namjoon. We were walking around in search for them. "STOP IT RIGHT NOW!-" a voice yelled and I knew it was Y/ns. Lightly jogging towards the voice we saw a female crying while holding two children covering them. "T-Taewoo" Jimin spoke up while running to the children. Looking around I saw Jungkook on the ground, both of us running up to him he was all slightly beaten and bruised. "WHY CANT YOU LOVE AND ACCEPT ME. IM DOING EVERYTHING I CAN JUST TO GET YOU BACK. WHY!" quickly turning my attention to the yelling there was  a male on top of Y/n pulling her hair yelling at her. Before he suddenly kissed her forcefully. About to step in and do something Jungkook pushed himself up before running towards them tackling the male off of Y/ns body. 

Namjoon  ran up to Jungkook while I ran towards Y/n. Her face severely beaten and bruised with her nose and lip bleeding, breathing unstable "Y/n its me.. its me, stay awake." opening her eyes slightly she called out my name weakly before she feel unconscious and unresponsive. "Shit Y/n.. Y/n wake up. Come on you cant pass out right now!" I said lightly shaking her but nothing. "Fuck!" taking my phone out and quickly calling emergency responders I told them our location and what had happened. "The ambulance is 5 minutes  away, stay with her until then" Hanging up the phone I glanced over and saw Jungkook beating the shit out of the male until Namjoon finally pulled him away. "Why do you keep coming back! she told you she doesnt love you! move on!!" Jungkook yelled before turning to spit out blood form his cut lip. Getting a clear look at the other male I realized with was Y/ns crazy ex from the club. 

Jungkook Pov
Hearing ambulance sirens I turned my head and saw paramedics running towards us with a stretcher. (Whats happening...) I thought and soon my eyes widened as they placed Y/n on the stretcher while bringing her away. "W-Wait! Y-Y/n!" I called out trying to stand up and run towards them but the ambulance quickly drove off. "Appa!" Taewoo called out to me,  seeing him run up to me with tears streaming down his face I picked him up and hugged him tightly. "Taewoo im sorry you had to see that" Pulling away Taewoo placed his small little hands on my face "Appa you have a bunch of owies..." 

"Jungkook! what happened?!" a bunch of voices yelled and I saw the others running up to me with worried eyes. Jihoon looked around before turning to me "J-Jeon  w-where is Y/n?" "She was brought to the hospital... right now we want to know what happened. What caused all of this" "I-Its all my fault, I-Im so sorry" "M-Mrs.Kim?! w-wait dont tell me..." Jihoon looked at the male who was laying  on the ground all beaten because of me. 

"We got into an argument. We were supposed to be here for family time but we saw Miss Y/n with Mr.Jeon and his son. Jongin threw a fit and was about to stomp his way over to you but I tried stopped him. He got upset and we started yelling at each other... but then Leanne ran off and once she came back she was with Miss Y/n and thats when it all got out of hand. Im so sorry I couldnt stop him!" Mrs.Kim cried out while burying her face in her hands. "I dont know why he cant stop... I-I dont know why he keeps pestering Miss Y/n even though she told him to leave her alone. I feel horrible for what happened... im sorry"  Leanne wrapped her small arms around her moms head hugging her. 

Time Skip~ 

A few minutes after Mrs.Kim told us what happened she decided to call authorities and take Jongin away. She was heartbroken about her decision but it was what was best for her and Leanne. As Mrs.Kim and Leanne left with the police and Jongin we all rushed to the hospital. During the time with Mrs.Kim I couldnt stop thinking about Y/n... how badly injured is she?. Making it to the hospital and running in I ran straight to the front desk "Min Y/n.. is she here?!" the lady looked at me "Are you her family or  relative??" "I-Im her boyfriend... I-I have her brother here with me though" I commented while grabbing Jihoons hand. 

The lady nodded "Dr.Lee brought Min Y/n to a private room for her to recover. She is in room A32 just down the hallway. The doctor should be there right now"  Nodding we all ran down the hall towards the room, opening the door and all of us rushing in  my eyes landed on the doctor standing at the end of the bed. "You must be Y/ns relatives??" he assumed and we nodded. "Well then since your here I should tell you about Y/ns condition. I was told that this was all caused from a fight... now I know its a private matter so I wont ask for the details. But in short Y/n will be alright, a few bruises and cuts here and there but more importantly is the amount of trauma her head had taken. Nothing too serious was found but when she wakes up she might have frequent headaches along with feeling nauseous...  I  will come back in the morning to run some tests on her. You are all free to stay the night, there are extra blankets & pillows in the cabinet over there." Thanking the doctor as he left the room closing the door behind him I turned my attention to Y/n who was laying there on the bed with different wires hooked onto her. 

"Miss Y/n has lots of owies too..." Taewoo commented with little sniffles. "We will be waiting outside... take your time Kook, Jihoon.." the others along with Taewoo left the room leaving Jihoon and I standing there. Both walking  up the the bed and sitting down we sighed in unison. "I cant believe this happened to her...." Jihoon was the first to speak up and I nodded  in  agreement. "I  was there.... but I couldnt even protect her from him. He hurt her and I couldnt do anything ab-"  "Hey... you did more than enough. You practically saved her.. if you werent there this would have been worse." Jihoon interrupted. "When do you think she will wake up?" Jihoon added. "Im not too sure... I hope  soon" *ring ring* Jihoons phone went off and he stood up while excusing himself  to take the call. Being left alone with Y/n I grabbed her hand and lightly squeezed it in mine. "Y/n... Im sorry for not being able to prevent him from hurting you... god I hate seeing you like this...-" 

"-Please..  just wake up soon..." 

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